Handleiding Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer

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dB4LW Wireless Cycle
Computer Owner's Manual
Speedometer (0-99.9 Km/hr or M/hr)
Tripmeter (DST) (Up to 999.99 Km or M)
Odometer (ODO) (Up to 9999.99 Km or M)
Auto trip timer (TM) (9:59:59)
Maximum Speed (MXS) (up to 99.9 Km/Hr or M/hr)
Digital Clock, 12/24 hour Selectable
Average Speed (AVS) (0-99.9 Km/hr or M/hr)
Speed Comparator (+ or -)
Speed Tendency
Odometer Program Function
Figure 1
Figure 2
Transmitter Battery
L1028/A 23
Remove the battery cover from the bottom of the
computer using a small coin. Install the 3V battery
with positive (+) pole facing the cover as in Fig. 1. If
the LCD shows irregular figures, take out the battery
and install again. This will clear and restart the
computer's microprocessor.
Install the 12V battery in the transmitter with the
positive (+) pole facing the battery cap. Re-install
the cap with a small coin and be sure it is tight to
ensure waterproofness. See Figure 2.
Sensor Installation
computer battery
transmitter battery
cable tie
Figure 3a
Figure 3b
Figure 3c
Figure 4a
Figure 4b
Clamp the magnet on
the spoke of the front
wheel with the screw
provided and attach the
sensor to the left fork
using cable ties as
shown in Fig. 3a, 3b
and 3c. Make sure the
arc of magnet intersects
the alignment mark on
the sensor with 2mm
clearance as shown in
Fig. 4a and 4b.
2mm max
Attach the mounting bracket to the right side of the
handlebar with the cable ties as shown in Figure 5a
and 5b. Make sure the mounting bracket is clamped
tightly and will not slip on the handlebar, use the
rubber shim provided.
Figure 5a
Figure 5b
Figure 6
Slide the computer on to the mounting bracket until it
snaps firmly into position. Press the release button
to remove the computer as shown in Fig. 6.
max 60 cm
Press and hold the LEFT and RIGHT buttons
for 4 seconds to access wheel size input
mode. Note all information in the
computer will be erased.
The digits on the bottom row will flash. The
value you need to enter in to the computer is
the Wheel factor. Wheel factor is the
circumference of the wheel in mm.
Note, there are no standard wheel sizes in
the cycling world - i.e. the circumference of a
700x23 tire will differ from one brand of tire to
another so for accurate speed and distance
values on your computer you need to
measure your wheel circumference.
To obtain wheel factor:
1) Fast (and not so accurate) method - use
chart provided.
2) Most accurate method:
a) See Figure 8.
b) Inflate you tires to its proper pressure.
c) Put a mark on your front wheel on the
outside circumference.
d) Put a mark on the floor.
e) Put the mark on the wheel on the mark on the floor.
f) Rotate the wheel one full revolution until the mark on the wheel is on
the floor again.
g) Measure the distance between the marks in mm. This is the wheel
factor (i.e. your wheel circumference).
C=distance in mm
per one turn
Km/Mile Selection
After the wheel factor input, the Km/Miles units for distance and speed
will flash. Press the RIGHT button to toggle between kilometer (KM) and
miles (M), press the LEFT button to confirm.
W hee l D iame ter d W hee l Fa ctor c
26 x 1 .0 191 3
26 x 1 .25 195 3
26 x 1 .4 200 5
26 x 1 .5 201 0
26 x 1 .75 202 3
26 x 1 .95 205 0
26 x 2 .0 205 5
26 x 2 .1 206 8
26 x 2 .3 217 0
700 x 18 207 0
700 x 20 208 6
700 x 23 209 6
700 x 25 210 5
700 x 28 213 6
700 x 30 217 0
27 x 1 " 214 5
27 x 1 1/8 " 215 5
27 x 1 1/4 " 216 1
Clock (12H/24H): A 12 or 24 hour digital clock is
displayed on the third row of the screen. After
Km/mile selection in setup mode, the 12h/24h will
flash. Press the RIGHT key to toggle between the
12 and 24 hour format. Press the LEFT button to
confirm and advance to the clock mode. Press the
RIGHT button to advance the hours by one unit (hold
RIGHT button for fast advance). Press the LEFT
button to confirm hours. Press the RIGHT button to
advance the minutes (hold RIGHT button for fast
advance). Press LEFT button to confirm minutes and
exit setup mode.
ODOMETER SET: To set the
odometer (ODO) after battery
replacement and wheel size
setting, press RIGHT button to
advance to ODO mode and then
hold LEFT button for 5 seconds
until the last digit of the ODO is
flashing. TO adjust the value, press
the RIGHT button and then press
the LEFT button to confirm and
select the value. Repeat this
sequence to reach the desired
odometer value.
Current speed, Average Speed (AVS), Tripmeter
(DST), Trip Timer TM and Speed Comparator (+ or
-) are shown in the first display screen. Press the
RIGHT button to toggle between the two
display screens.
Current Speed, Maximum Speed
(MXS), Clock (CLK), Total Distance, Odometer
(ODO) and Speed Comparator (+ or -) are shown
in the second display screen.
Speed Comparator:
A "+" or "-" sign appears on the second row of the
display to the right of the AVG/MAX speed. A "+"
indicates you are traveling faster than your Average
Speed (AVS). A "-" indicates you are riding slowr
than your Average Speed.
Speed Tendency: (Acceleration and Deceleration)
A cyclist icon appears on the second row of the
display. The wheel turns forward to indicate
acceleration, and turn backwards to indicate
Speedometer: (Km/Hr or M/Hr)
Speedometer or Current Speed is displayed in the
top row.
Odometer: (ODO)
Total distance traveled (ODO) is displayed on the
bottom row. To reset ODO see page 7 Odometer
Tripmeter: (DST)
Trip distance (DST) is displayed on the third row.
Tripmeter is activated automatically with speedom-
eter input. To reset DST to zero press and hold
LEFT button for 2 seconds. Note, TM (Trip Time)
and AVS (Average Speed) will also be reset at this
Maximum Speed: (MXS)
Maximum speed (MXS) is
displayed on the second row.
Maximum speed is stored in
memory and updates only
when a higher speed is
reached. To reset MXS to zero, go to the MXS
screen and then press and hold the LEFT button for
2 seconds.
Average Speed: (AVS)
Average Speed (AVS is displayed on the second
row. AVS is calculated using the Trip Timer and
Tripmeter. To reset AVS, go to the AVS screen then
press and hold the LEFT button for 2 seconds.
Trip Timer: (TM)
Trip Timer (TM) is displayed on the bottom row. Trip
Timer is activated automatically with speedometer
input (when front wheel is turning). It records only
the time spent actually riding. To reset TM to zero go
to TM screen and press and hold the LEFT button for
2 seconds.
Auto Start/Stop: To prolong battery life, the
computer will automatically switch off if the unit
receives no signal from the transmitter for more than
5 or 6 minutes. Computer display will turn on again
by pressing a button.
Congratulations on your purchase of the dB4LW wireless
cycle computer by FILZER. Packed with all the features that
a professional rider needs to keep track of during a workout,
this computer is a perfect training tool for any cyclist.
Made in China
Visit www.filzer.com for more great products.
Art No.: BS-13-MOS-KSS-P3-GB-Filzer(db4LW)-R4
Inaccurate maximum
speed reading
No Speedometer
Slow display response
No Trip Distance
Display shows
irregular figures
or blank screen
Unknown atmospheric or
RF interference. Reset
Max Speed.
Temperature outside out
of operating limits
(32-125 ºF or 0-55 ºC)
Re-install computer battery
and verify that the
computer battery is good.
Improper magnet/transmitter
alignment. Check magnet/
tramitter alignment. Verify
transmitter batter is good.
Improper magnet/transmitter
alignment. Check magnet/
tramitter alignment. Verify
transmitter batter is good.
Press to
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.15 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Laat hier weten wat jij vindt van de Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer. Als je een vraag hebt, lees dan eerst zorgvuldig de handleiding door. Een handleiding aanvragen kan via ons contactformulier.

Janice 27-09-2022
Mijn fietscomputer werkte tot een week geleden zoals ontworpen. Het is gestopt met het weergeven van mijn snelheid, hoewel alle andere displays werken. Nieuwe batterijen, geverifieerde zender is met 2 mm speling van magneet. Een ander probleem. Het apparaat wordt nu uitgeschakeld binnen 5 seconden na het stoppen. Gedachten?

beantwoord | Ik vind dit nuttig (0) (Vertaald door Google)

Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Filzer. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Filzer
Model dB4LW
Categorie Fietscomputers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.15 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Filzer Fietscomputers
Meer handleidingen voor Fietscomputers

Veelgestelde vragen over Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Waarom moet ik de maat van mijn fietsband invoeren? Geverifieerd

Om de afgelegde afstand te berekenen gebruikt de fietscomputer het aantal omwentelingen van de band. Door dit te vermenigvuldigen met de bandmaat, kan de afstand worden berekend.

Ik vind dit nuttig (4123) Lees meer

Hoeveel mijl is een kilometer? Geverifieerd

Eén kilometer is gelijk aan 0,621 mijl. Tien kilometer is daarmee 6,21 mijl. Andersom is één mijl 1,609 kilometer. Tien mijl is daarmee 16,09 kilometer.

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Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

Ik vind dit nuttig (703) Lees meer
Handleiding Filzer dB4LW Fietscomputer

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