Handleiding Tryton TMM10533 Boorhamer

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Original text translation
Keep this document for future reference.
WARNING! Read all safety warnings marked with a
symbol and all operating safety instructions.
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
power tools.
Electric safety:
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
power tools.
Use and taking care of your power tool:
a) Do not overload your power tool. Use a power tool with
power adjusted to work being done. An appropriately chosen
power tool will allow you to work better and safer under load it has
been designed for.
b) Do not use a power tool when its power switch is out of order
(it does not switch it on or off). Any power tool with its power
switch out of order is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Always disconnect the plug from the power source and/or
disconnect its battery before changing any settings,
performing replacement or storage. Such preventive measures
reduce the risk of accidental power tool start up.
WARNING! General warnings regarding the use of
d) Keep your power tool out of reach of children and do not
power tools.
allow unauthorized persons to use the power tool. Power tools
Personal safety:
in hands of untrained persons can be dangerous.
To limit the risk of fire, electric shock and injury while using the device,
follow all operating safety instructions and tips provided below.
Keep all work safety instructions and tips for future reference.
In warnings provided herein the expression “power tool” means a power
tool powered from the mains (with a power cord) or a battery powered
power tool (cordless).
WARNING! General work safety warnings for use of
the tool.
Workplace safety:
a) Keep your workplace tidy and well lit. Untidiness and bad lighting
result in higher accident rate.
b) Do not use the power tool in explosive environments, created
by flammable liquids, gases or dusts. The power tool generates
sparks that can ignite dust or vapors.
c) Keep children and unauthorized persons away from the place
where the power tools are used. Inattention may result in losing
control over your power tool.
a) Plugs used in power tools must match wall outlets. Never
modify the plug of your power tool. Do not use any extension
c ables w hen o perat in g a po we r to ol w it h a
grounding/earthing conductor (PE). Any modifications of plugs
and outlets increase the risk of electric shock.
b) Avoid touching earthed surfaces or grounded items like
pipes, heaters, central heating radiators and refrigerators.
Touching earthed or grounded surfaces increases the risk of electric
c) Do not expose your power tool to rain or damp environments.
Water penetrating the tool increases the risk of electric shock.
d) Do not damage the power cord. Never use the power cord to
carry, pull the power tool and do not pull by its power cord to
disconnect plug from the outlet. Keep the power cord away
from sources of heat, oils, sharp edges and moving parts.
Damaged or entangled power cords increase the risk of electric shock.
e) When your power tool is operated outdoors use extension cords
intended for outdoor use only. Using an extension cable intended for
outdoor use decreases the risk of electric shock.
f) When it is unavoidable to use your power tool in a damp
environment use an RCD (Residual Current Device) for
protection. The use of RCDs decreases the risk of electric shock.
a) This equipment is not intended for use by persons (including
children) disabled physically , mentally, sensorial or persons
with no experience and knowledge in operating the
equipment unless they operate the equipment under
supervision or follow user's instructions provided by persons
responsible for their safety.
b) It is necessary to predict steps, watch and keep common
sense when using power tools. Do not operate power tools
when you are tired, under influence of drugs, medicine or
alcohol. A moment of inattention while operating a power tool may
result in serious personal injury.
c) Use personal protective equipment (PPE). Always wear safety
goggles. Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) including a
dust mask, anti-slippery footwear, a helmet and ear protection reduces
personal injury.
d) Avoid unexpected start up. Before connecting your power
tool to the mains and/or inserting a battery make sure its
power switch is in off position. Carrying your power tool with a
finger on its power switch or without disconnecting it from the mains
(switched on) may result in an accident.
e) Before starting your power tool remove any keys/wrenches.
Leaving a key/wrench in the rotating part of your power tool may result
in personal injury.
f) Do not lean forward too far. Always remain stable and
maintain balance. It will allow you to have a better control over your
power tool in unpredictable situations.
g) Wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear loose clothes or
jewelry. Keep your hair tied. Keep your clothes away from
moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair may be caught by
moving parts.
h) If your power tool allows for using an external dust
extraction or collection system, make sure it is connected
and used properly. Using dust collectors may reduce dust
affected risks.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.84 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Tryton
Model TMM10533
Categorie Boorhamers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.84 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Tryton Boorhamers
Meer handleidingen voor Boorhamers

Veelgestelde vragen over Tryton TMM10533 Boorhamer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat is het verschil tussen een klopboormachine en een boorhamer? Geverifieerd

Een klopboormachine kan gebruikt worden voor het boren van gaten in bakstenen muren. Voor gaten in een betonnen muur is een boorhamer nodig.

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Wat houdt het aantal Joule (J) in bij boorhamers? Geverifieerd

Het aantal Joule geeft aan hoeveel slagkracht de boorhamer heeft. Voor reguliere gaten in beton is een boorhamer van 2.2J vaak voldoende.

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Moet ik gehoorbescherming dragen bij het gebruik van een boormachine? Geverifieerd

Dat is wel verstandig. Hoewel de hoeveelheid lawaai die een boormachine produceert verschilt per merk en model, kan langdurige blootstelling aan lawaai voor blijvende gehoorschade zorgen. Het is daarom goed om altijd gehoorbescherming te dragen.

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Kan ik elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen, ook als het daar soms vriest. Voor de levensduur van het elektrisch gereedschap is het echter beter om het op een droge plaats zonder grote temperatuurschommelingen op te slaan. In een schuur of garage kunnen door temperatuurverschillen condensvorming ontstaan ​​waardoor roest kan ontstaan. Bovendien gaan gereedschappen die op batterijen werken korter mee en laden ze minder goed op bij zeer lage temperaturen. Om er zeker van te zijn hoe uw elektrisch gereedschap moet worden opgeborgen, leest u altijd aandachtig de gebruikershandleiding.

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Handleiding Tryton TMM10533 Boorhamer

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