Handleiding AEG WSP 3010 Kachel

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I. Training
Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the con trols
and the proper use of the equipment.
Never allow children or people unfamiliar with the ins truc -
tions to use the lawnmower. Local regulations may restrict
the age of the operator.
Never mow while people, especially children, or pets are
Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for
accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their
Do not carry passengers.
All drivers should seek and obtain professional and prac-
ti cal instruction. Such instruction should em pha size:
- the need for care and concentration when work ing
with ride-on machines;
- control of a ride-on machine sliding on a slope will
not be regained by the application of the brake.
The main reasons for loss of control are:
a) insuffi cient wheel grip;
b) being driven too fast;
c) inadequate braking;
d) the type of machine is unsuitable for its task;
e) lack of awareness of the effect of ground
conditions,especially slopes;
f) incorrect hitching and load distribution.
II. Preparation
While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long
trousers. Do not operate the equipment when barefoot
or wearing open sandals.
Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to
be used and remove all objects which may be thrown by
the machine.
WARNING - Petrol is highly fl ammable.
- Store fuel in containers specifi cally de signed for this
pur pose.
- Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while re fu -
el ing.
- Add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove
the cap of the fuel tank or add petrol while the engine
is running or when the en gine is hot.
- If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine
but move the machine away from the area of spillage
and avoid cre at ing any source of ig ni tion until petrol
vapors have dis si pat ed.
- Replace all fuel tanks and container caps securely.
Replace faulty silencers.
Before using, always visually inspect to see that the
blades, blade bolts and cutter assembly are not worn or
damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts
in sets to preserve balance.
On multi-bladed machines, take care as rotating one blade
can cause other blades to rotate.
III. Operation
Do not operate the engine in a confi ned space where
dan ger ous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.
Mow only in daylight or in good artifi cial light.
Before attempting to start the engine, disengage all blade
attachment clutches and shift into neutral.
Do not use on slopes of more than 10°.
Remember there is no such thing as a “safe” slope. Travel
on grass slopes requires particular care. To guard against
- do not stop or start suddenly when going up or down-
- engage clutch slowly, always keep machine in gear,
especially when traveling down hill;
- machine speeds should be kept low on slopes and
during tight turns;
- stay alert for humps and hollows and oth er hidden
haz ards;
- never mow across the face of the slope, unless the
lawnmower is designed for this pur pose.
Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment.
- Use only approved drawbar hitch points.
- Limit loads to those you can safely control.
- Do not turn sharply. Use care when re vers ing.
- Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights when sug-
gest ed in the instruction hand book.
Watch out for traffi c when crossing or near roadways.
Stop the blades from rotating before crossing surfaces
other than grass.
When using any attachments, never direct discharge of
material toward bystanders nor allow anyone near the
machine while in operation.
Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards,
shields or without safety protective devices in place.
Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed
the engine. Operating the engine at excessive speed may
increase the hazard of personal injury.
Before leaving the operator’s position:
- disengage the power take-off and lower the at tach -
- change into neutral and set the parking brake;
- stop the engine and remove the key.
Disengage drive to attachments, stop the engine, and
dis con nect the spark plug wire(s) or remove the ignition
- before cleaning blockages or unclogging chute;
- before checking, cleaning or working on the lawn-
- after striking a foreign object. Inspect the lawnmower
for damage and make repairs before re start ing and
op er at ing the equip ment;
- if the machine starts to vibrate abnormally (check
im me di ate ly).
Disengage drive to attachments when transporting or not
in use.
Stop the engine and disengage drive to attachment
- before refueling;
- before removing the grass catcher;
- before making height adjustment unless ad just ment
can be made from the op er a tor’s position.
1. Safety Rules
Safe Operation Practices for Ride-On Mowers
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Merk AEG
Model WSP 3010
Categorie Kachels
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.77 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoe beïnvloedt stof de efficiëntie van een verwarming? Geverifieerd

Stof kan zich ophopen op de verwarmingselementen en in de luchtfilters van een verwarming, waardoor de efficiëntie vermindert. Hierdoor kan de verwarming harder werken om dezelfde hoeveelheid warmte te produceren, wat leidt tot een hoger energieverbruik en hogere energierekeningen. Om de efficiëntie van uw verwarming te behouden, moet u deze regelmatig schoonmaken en indien nodig het luchtfilter vervangen.

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Hoe bepaal ik de grootte van de verwarming die ik nodig heb voor een kamer? Geverifieerd

De grootte van de heater die je nodig hebt voor een ruimte hangt af van de grootte van de ruimte en de isolatie van de ruimte. Een algemene vuistregel is om 60 watt per vierkante meter ruimte te gebruiken. Als een kamer bijvoorbeeld 14 vierkante meter is, is een verwarming van 840 watt geschikt.

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Handleiding AEG WSP 3010 Kachel

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