Handleiding Bosch GDX 180-LI Slagmoersleutel

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10 | English
1 609 92A 422 | (13.12.17) Bosch Power Tools
Strength properties of the material being screwed/bolted
Lubrication conditions at the screw/bolt connection
The following application cases result accordingly:
–A hard seat is given for metal-to-metal screw applications
with the use of washers. After a relatively short impact du-
ration, the maximum torque is reached (steep characteris-
tic curve). Unnecessary long impact duration only causes
damage to the machine.
–A spring-loaded seat is given for metal-to-metal screw ap-
plications, however with the use of spring washers, disc
springs, studs or screws/nuts with conical seat as well as
when using extensions.
–A soft seat is given for screw applications, e. g., metal on
wood or when using lead washers or fibre washers as back-
For a spring-loaded seat as well as for a soft seat, the maxi-
mum tightening torque is lower than for a hard seat. Also, a
clearly longer impact duration is required.
Reference Values for Maximum Screw/Bolt Tightening Torques
Calculated from the tensional cross-section; utilization of the yield point 90 % (with friction coefficient µ
= 0.12). As a control
measure, always check the tightening torque with a torque wrench.
Before screwing larger, longer screws into hard materials, it is
advisable to predrill a pilot hole with the core diameter of the
thread to approx.
of the screw length.
Note: Pay attention that no metal particles enter the power
Belt Clip
With the belt clip, the machine can be hung onto a belt. The
user has both hands free and the machine is always at hand.
Recommendations for Optimal Handling of the Battery
Protect the battery against moisture and water.
Store the battery only within a temperature range between
20 °C and 50 °C. As an example, do not leave the battery in
the car in summer.
Occasionally clean the venting slots of the battery using a soft,
clean and dry brush.
A significantly reduced working period after charging indi-
cates that the battery is used and must be replaced.
Observe the notes for disposal.
Maintenance and Service
Maintenance and Cleaning
Before any work on the machine itself (e. g. mainte-
nance, tool change, etc.) as well as during transport
and storage, remove the battery from the power tool.
There is danger of injury when unintentionally actuating
the On/Off switch.
For safe and proper working, always keep the machine
and ventilation slots clean.
Replacing the Carbon Brushes (see figure D)
Check the length of the carbon brushes approx. every
23 months and replace the carbon brushes if required.
Never replace only a single carbon brush!
Note: Use only carbon brushes supplied by Bosch and intend-
ed specifically for your product.
Unscrew the cover lid 14 using a suitable slotted screw-
Replace the spring-loaded carbon brushes 13 and screw
the cover lid back on again.
After-sales Service and Application
Our after-sales service responds to your questions concern-
ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spare
parts. Exploded views and information on spare parts can al-
so be found under:
Bosch’s application service team will gladly answer questions
concerning our products and their accessories.
In all correspondence and spare parts order, please always in-
clude the 10-digit article number given on the type plate of
the machine.
Property Classes accord-
ing to DIN 267
Standard Screws/Bolts High-strength Bolts
3.6 4.6 5.6 4.8 6.6 5.8 6.8 6.9 8.8 10.9 12.9
M 6
2.71 3.61 4.52 4.8 5.42 6.02 7.22 8.13 9.7 13.6 16.2
M 8
6.57 8.7 11 11.6 13.1 14.6 17.5 19.7 23 33 39
M 10
13 17.5 22 23 26 29 35 39 47 65 78
M 12
22.6 30 37.6 40 45 50 60 67 80 113 135
M 14
36 48 60 65 72 79 95 107 130 180 215
M 16
55 73 92 98 110 122 147 165 196 275 330
OBJ_BUCH-3310-001.book Page 10 Wednesday, December 13, 2017 8:33 AM
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Merk Bosch
Model GDX 180-LI
Categorie Slagmoersleutels
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.9 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen, ook als het daar soms vriest. Voor de levensduur van het elektrisch gereedschap is het echter beter om het op een droge plaats zonder grote temperatuurschommelingen op te slaan. In een schuur of garage kunnen door temperatuurverschillen condensvorming ontstaan ​​waardoor roest kan ontstaan. Bovendien gaan gereedschappen die op batterijen werken korter mee en laden ze minder goed op bij zeer lage temperaturen. Om er zeker van te zijn hoe uw elektrisch gereedschap moet worden opgeborgen, leest u altijd aandachtig de gebruikershandleiding.

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Handleiding Bosch GDX 180-LI Slagmoersleutel

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