Handleiding HDR Photomatix Pro 4.1

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Photomatix Pro User Guide 2
1 Taking Photos for HDR
The shooting phase is essential for getting good results
with Photomatix. To photograph a high contrast scene,
you need to take several exposures in order to capture
information in both the highlights and the shadows of
the scene. The exposures taken must properly cover the
dynamic range of the scene, especially the shadows.
The number of photos you need depends on the scene.
It also depends on the Exposure Value (EV) spacing
separating the photos. If you take them in one-EV steps
(e.g., -1, 0, +1 EV), you will need more photos than
if you take them in two-EV steps (e.g., -2, 0, +2 EV).
We recommend shooting in two-EV steps whenever
High contrast scenes can be grouped into roughly two
types depending on their dynamic range:
• Medium dynamic range scene: Most landscapes
and other types of outdoor scenes fall into this
category. Three exposures taken in two-EV steps (i.e.
–2, 0 +2 EV), or ve exposures taken in one-EV steps,
are usually sucient for this type of scene.
• High dynamic range scene: A typical example is the
interior of a room with a view outside the window on
a sunny day. You need to take at least ve exposures
in two-EV steps (or nine exposures in one-EV steps) to
capture this type of scene, but you may need more.
Taking the exposures manually is recommended in
these cases.
Three exposures of a medium dynamic
range scene, taken in two-EV steps
The source photographs for HDR processing can be taken with digital or lm-based cameras. The only
requirement is that the exposure can be adjusted when taking pictures. If you use a lm-based camera, you
will need to scan the photographs into your computer before processing them (refer to Section 1.3).
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Merk HDR
Model Photomatix Pro 4.1
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.87 MB

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