Handleiding HDR Photomatix Pro 4.1

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Photomatix Pro User Guide 5
2 Loading and Pre-Processing Images
This section describes how to load and merge bracketed
image les of a scene taken under dierent exposure settings
as well as how to load single images into Photomatix Pro.
2.1 Merging Bracketed Images
Photomatix Pro merges bracketed images that are in 8 bit or
16 bits/channel mode, as well as Camera RAW les.
Supported le types include JPEG, TIFF, PSD, DNG, and RAW
les from many camera models. The list of supported camera
models for RAW les changes frequently. You can check the
the Photomatix Pro FAQ page on the HDRsoft website at
http://www.hdrsoft.com/support/raw.html to determine
whether or not your camera model is supported.
2.1.1 Loading Bracketed Images
To load bracketed image les, do one of the following:
• Drag and drop the les into Photomatix Pro
• Use the Workow Shortcuts area or the File menu to load
the les
Dragging and Dropping Bracketed Image Files
To drag and drop a group of image les to Photomatix Pro:
• Windows: Drag the les from Windows Explorer and drop
them on the open Photomatix Pro program.
• Macintosh: Drag the les from the Finder and drop them
on the Photomatix Pro icon on your Dock.
The term “bracketed images” refers
to images of the same scene taken
under different exposure settings.
This manual uses the term “bracketed
images” to simplify how these images
are dened. It also applies to the case
when you have not used the Automatic
Exposure Bracketing function of the
camera to take the exposures.
Drag the image les for the exposure
sequence at the same time, so the les
are properly processed by the merge.
Newer camera models may not
be supported by older versions of
Photomatix Pro. To ensure your camera
is supported, upgrade to the latest
If you have Lightroom, use the
Lightroom Export Plug-in to load images
into Photomatix Pro. Refer to Section 5
for more information.
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Merk HDR
Model Photomatix Pro 4.1
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.87 MB

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