Handleiding PC Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna

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Melee Weapon
Ranged Weapon
Weapons panel
View/Hide Inventory button
Mana Level indicator
Character Portrait
Health Level indicator
Active Spells
NOTE: The instructions in this manual
assume you’re using left-click (the default
mouse setting) to issue commands.
NOTE: If you select an empty melee weapon
slot, you fight with your fists. Press Q to
cycle through equipped weapons.
To select a weapon or spell
In the Weapons panel, click the weapon or spell you wish
to use.
To display the spells in your Spell Book
In the Weapons panel, click one of the spell slots, hold
down the mouse button, and then select a spell from
the drop-down list.
To minimize or maximize the Weapons panel
Press W. When the Weapons panel is minimized, only the
active weapon or spell is shown. You can still press
Q to
cycle through the weapons and spells.
Controlling the Camera
The Compass indicates which direction the camera is facing.
To rotate the camera
Move the pointer to the left or right edge of the screen or
use the arrow keys.
To tilt the camera
Move the pointer to the top or bottom edge of the screen. (You
can also hold down the mouse wheel or the middle mouse
button, and then move the mouse to rotate or tilt the camera.)
To zoom the camera view in or out
Rotate the mouse wheel or press the MINUS () or EQUALS
(=) key.
To turn the Camera Follow mode off
Press T.
Using the Megamap
The Megamap lets you get your bearings from a long-range, top-
down view. Areas you haven’t explored are not visible. Various icons
represent nearby characters and treasure, so you can continue to
play using the Megamap. Enemies appear in a red circle when you
point to them. Containers, doors, and secret areas are not visible.
To open or close the Megamap
Click the Megamap button on the status bar or press TAB.
Moving Your Character
Left-click a location on the screen to move your character to
that location.
Selecting a Weapon or Spell
The weapons and spells you have equipped are shown in the
Weapons panel beside the Character Portrait, so you can easilyselect
which one to use. For more information about which weapons and
spells are displayed, see “Equipping Weapons and Armor” (page
22) and “Equipping Spells” (page 26) in this manual.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.25 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk PC
Model Dungeon Siege - Legend of Aranna
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.25 MB

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