Handleiding PC Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds

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White Spells
Angel of Retribution 5/5 Creature flying;
first strike
Blessed Orator 1/4 Creature blocking Blessed Orator gives its
controller’s other creatures a
+0/+1 bonus as long as Blessed
Orator lives.
Demystify Sorcery Demystify destroys the enemy
duelist’s last cast enchantment.
Divine Presence Enchantment Divine Presence reduces all
damage of 4 or more to 3.
Guided Strike Sorcery Guided Strike gives the caster’s
closest creature a +1/+0 bonus
and first strike until it respawns.
Spiritualize Sorcery Spiritualize gives the caster’s
closest creature the ability to
give its controller life equal to
the damage it deals until it
Suntail Hawk 1/1 Creature flying
Test of Endurance Enchantment Test of Endurance enables
either duelist to win by
achieving 50 or more life.
Thunder Spirit 2/2 Creature flying;
first strike
Venerable Monk 2/2 Creature Venerable Monk gives its
controller 2 life when it comes
into play.
Warrior Angel 3/4 Creature flying Warrior Angel gives its
controller life equal to the
damage it deals.
Warrior’s Honor Sorcery Warrior’s Honor gives each of
the caster’s creatures a +1/+1
bonus until it respawns.
Wrath of God Sorcery Wrath of God destroys all
Youthful Knight 2/1 Creature first strike
Red Spells
Engulfing Flames Sorcery Engulfing Flames deals 1
damage to the closest enemy
creature or duelist. If a creature
takes damage from this spell
and is destroyed before it
respawns, it cannot regenerate.
Fervor Enchantment Fervor gives all of the
controller’s creatures haste.
Goblin Hero 2/2 Creature
Goblin King 2/2 Creature Goblin King gives each Goblin a
+1/+1 bonus as long as it lives.
This bonus does not apply to
Goblin King.
Goblin Sky Raider 1/2 Creature flying
Gratuitous Violence Enchantment Gratuitous Violence doubles the
damage dealt by the controller’s
Inferno Sorcery Inferno deals 6 damage to all
creatures and duelists.
Magma Giant 5/5 Creature Magma Giant deals 2 damage
to all creatures and duelists
when it comes into play.
Raging Goblin 1/1 Creature haste
Reckless Charge Sorcery blocking change Reckless Charge gives the
caster’s closest creature a
+3/+0 bonus plus haste until
it respawns.
Retromancer 3/3 Creature Retromancer deals 3 damage to
any duelist who targets it with
a sorcery.
Scorching Missile Sorcery Scorching Missile deals 4
damage directly to the enemy
Threaten Sorcery blocking change Threaten gives the caster
control over the closest enemy
creature, gives that creature
haste, and makes it attack the
enemy duelist until it respawns.
Volcanic Dragon 4/4 Creature flying; haste
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Magic the Gathering - Battlegrounds
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.48 MB

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