Handleiding PC Tiberian Sun

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Violent Ion Storms, whose relationship to Tiberium remains unclear, continue to batter the temperate Tiberium Zones.
Tiberium, though largely mysterious and misunderstood, remains inarguably the most powerful substance on the planet. Originally
championed by Kane, Tiberium brought to rise the Brotherhood, empowering their otherwise impoverished forces.
GDI’s research facilities have been attempting to decipher the secrets of Tiberium for years but, to date, few definitive conclusions have been
reached. The compound remains 1.5 percent unidentifiable, with elements of unknown origin that elude standard classification.
Once thought to be the next great clean energy source, both Nod and GDI have invested many decades into the research of Tiberium – building
on the pioneering work of renowned GDI scientist, Dr. Ignatio Moebius. Without Tiberium, neither GDI nor Nod would have the wealth or power
to fuel their great armies.
However, in recent years, the research into Tiberium has shown startling results. Tiberium has always been known to be dangerous to life but,
in the past few years, a majority of the exposed population has begun to show signs of genetic mutation and a variety of Tiberium-based
Calling themselves "The Forgotten", the remaining mutated population has retreated underground, demanding retribution for their plight and
engaging in terrorist activities.
GDI has recently launched a full-scale effort to rescue these infected populations. Nod has allegedly been more interested in using these
people as test subjects for a variety of unknown experiments. At this point, GDI recommends that no uninfected, unprotected humans expose
themselves to Tiberium.
This EVA unit has thoroughly evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the GDI personnel.
GDI has watched over the planet for decades from their orbital command centre, the Philadelphia. The GDI position has flourished as a result
of this of global support – benefiting from superior technology, weaponry, economic resources and recruitment practices of conventional
armed forces.
GDI troops are ambitious and hard working, co-operative and loyal. These twenty-first century marines want both peace and honour. More
than that, they want to win – to destroy all traces of the Brotherhood of Nod.
Rank and file GDI troops are unconditionally devoted to each other, to their squadron leaders and to their highest commander, General
Tib Sun PC manual - Eng 16/7/99 9:10 am Page 8
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Merk PC
Model Tiberian Sun
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.6 MB

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