Handleiding PC Tiberian Sun

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A GDI career officer, General Solomon graduated first in his class from West Point. Now monitoring GDI global
operations from the orbital Philadelphia Command Centre, Solomon has become the figurehead of the Global
Defence and the archrival of those who would threaten the peace he lives to defend.
General Solomon’s field campaign against Kane has been entrusted to Commander Michael McNeil. As profiled by
PSY89902 in his annual medical examination, Commander McNeil has been characterised as uncompromisingly loyal
and as a competitive athlete who is intense in everything he does. As long-time second in command Lt. Commander
Chandra writes in one of the requisite review forums, "Mac doesn’t view life as complicated. He knows what he
wants and he will do anything to get it. And like every good GDI marine -- what he wants is to win."
This EVA unit has evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of Nod personnel according to the most recent GDI intelligence.
Historically, Nod forces have been strong – because their leader is strong. Nod soldiers take their cue from the ruthlessness of Kane and his
commanders – the cold Commander Slavik and the cunning propagandist Oxanna.
Nod forces are equally strengthened by their willingness to engage with unbelievable force, their cruel tactics and their sophisticated
Tiberium-derived weaponry. Nod soldiers are willing to die for their leader and for their cause. Traditionally composed of third world
renegades, Nod forces often have nothing to lose.
Consequently, the Brotherhood of Nod is a cruel clan, equally violent toward friend and foe. Fuelled by a long history, Nod has earned a
reputation for employing violence and fear in order to achieve their objectives. GDI intelligence has difficulty keeping up with the rapid
shifting of rank within Nod’s command structure as treachery and assassination is often the key to career advancement.
The exception, of course, is the nearly totalitarian control of Kane. Nothing will stop Kane and his loyalists, Slavik and Oxanna, in their pursuit
to conquer GDI and control the world.
Tib Sun PC manual - Eng 16/7/99 9:10 am Page 9
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Merk PC
Model Tiberian Sun
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.6 MB

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