Handleiding Acronis PartitionExpert 2003

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1. INSTALLATION AND RUNNING ................................................... 7
1.1 WHATS INCLUDED ......................................................................... 7
1.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 7
1.3 INSTALLATION PROCESS ................................................................. 7
1.4 UPGRADING ACRONIS PARTITIONEXPERT ...................................... 8
1.5 REMOVING SOFTWARE .................................................................... 8
1.6 USER INTERFACE ............................................................................. 9
1.7 BEFORE YOU RUN ACRONIS PARTITIONEXPERT ............................ 9
1.8 RUNNING ACRONIS PARTITIONEXPERT ........................................ 10
CHAPTER 2. BEGINNING THE WORK............................................................ 11
2.1.1 AUTOMATIC PARTITION OPERATIONS........................................................11
2.1.2 MANUAL PARTITION OPERATIONS.............................................................11
2.1.3 SWITCHING MODES ................................................................................... 11
2.2 ACRONIS PARTITIONEXPERT MAIN WINDOW............................... 12
2.2.1 DISK AND PARTITION INFORMATION .........................................................13
2.2.2 CUSTOMIZING THE MAIN WINDOW APPEARANCE ......................................14
2.3 CALLING PARTITION OPERATIONS ................................................ 14
2.3.1 CALLING THE MAIN OPERATIONS ..............................................................14
2.3.2 ADDITIONAL OPERATIONS ........................................................................15
2.3.3 INVOKING ACRONIS PARTITIONEXPERT WIZARDS ....................................15
2.4 PARTITION OPERATION PROPERTIES ............................................. 15
2.4.1 DISPLAYING OPERATION RESULTS ............................................................15
2.4.2 PENDING OPERATIONS ..............................................................................16
2.4.3 VIEWING DELAYED OPERATIONS ..............................................................16
2.4.4 PERFORMING PENDING OPERATIONS .........................................................16
2.4.5 MODIFYING PENDING OPERATIONS ...........................................................16
2.4.6 UNDOING USER ACTIONS ..........................................................................17
2.4.7 WIZARD OPERATIONS ...............................................................................18
CHAPTER 3. AUTOMATIC PARTITION OPERATIONS .................................... 21
3.1 CREATING A NEW PARTITION....................................................... 21
3.2 INCREASING PARTITION FREE SPACE............................................ 30
3.3 COPYING PARTITIONS.................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 4. MANUAL PARTITION OPERATIONS.......................................... 39
4.1 MAIN PARTITION OPERATIONS ..................................................... 39
4.1.1 CREATING NEW PARTITIONS .....................................................................39
4.1.2 COPYING A PARTITION TO UNALLOCATED DISK SPACE..............................41
4.1.3 MOVING A PARTITION TO UNALLOCATED DISK SPACE...............................44
4.1.4 RESIZING AND/OR MOVING A PARTITION...................................................47
4.1.5 CHANGING PARTITION LABELS .................................................................49
4.1.6 FORMATTING A PARTITION .......................................................................50
4.1.7 DELETING A PARTITION ............................................................................51
4.1.8 CHECKING HARD DISK PARTITIONS FOR ERRORS .......................................52
4.1.9 DEFRAGMENTING A PARTITION.................................................................53
4.1.10 WIPING UNALLOCATED HARD DISK SPACE ................................................54
Copyright © SWsoft, 2000–2002
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Merk Acronis
Model PartitionExpert 2003
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.91 MB

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