Handleiding ACS ACR39U-N1 Kaartlezer

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ACR39 SeriesReference Manual [email protected]
Version 1.04
Page 5 of 38
1.0. Introduction
The ACR39 PC-linked Smart Card Reader acts as an interface for the communication between a
computer and a smart card. Different types of smart cards have different commands and different
communication protocols, which, in most cases, prevent direct communication between a smart card
and a computer. The ACR39 Smart Card Reader establishes a uniform interface from the computer to
the smart card for a wide variety of cards. By taking care of the card’s particulars, it releases the
computer software programmer from being responsible with smart card operations’ technical details,
which in many cases, are not relevant to the implementation of a smart card system.
1.1. Reference Documents
The following related documents are available from www.usb.org
Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0 (also referred to as the USB specification), April 27,
Universal Serial Bus Common Class Specification 1.0, December 16, 1997
Universal Serial Bus Device Class: Smart Card CCID Specification for Integrated Circuit(s)
Cards Interface Devices, Revision 1.1, April 22, 2005
The following related documents can be ordered through www.ansi.org
ISO/IEC 7816-1; Identification Cards Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 1:
Physical Characteristics
ISO/IEC 7816-2; Identification Cards Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 2:
Dimensions and Locations of the contacts
ISO/IEC 7816-3; Identification Cards Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 3:
Electronic signals and transmission protocols
1.2. Symbols and Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
ATR Answer-To-Reset
CCID Chip/Smart Card Interface Device
ICC Integrated Circuit Cards
IFSC Information Field Sized for ICC for protocol T=1
IFSD Information Field Sized for CCID for protocol T=1
NAD Node Address
PPS Protocol and Parameters Selection
RFU Reserved for future use
TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit
USB Universal Serial Bus
Table 1: Symbols and Abbreviations
Must be set to zero unless stated differently.
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Merk ACS
Model ACR39U-N1
Categorie Kaartlezers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.42 MB

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Waar staat SD voor? Geverifieerd

SD staat voor Secure Digital. SD kaarten zijn het standaard opslagmedium voor veel digitale camera's.

Ik vind dit nuttig (32) Lees meer

Waar staat USB voor? Geverifieerd

USB staat voor Universal Serial Bus. Het is een connectiestandaard om apparaten mee aan te sluiten op een computer.

Ik vind dit nuttig (16) Lees meer
Handleiding ACS ACR39U-N1 Kaartlezer

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