Handleiding ACV E-Tech P 115 CV-ketel

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The boiler is suitable for connection to most heating and water process systems,
with a maximum working pressure of 4 bars and a maximum temperature
of 9C. It can also be used in multiple boiler installations allowing greater
outputs to be achieved.
The boiler and connection glands are provided for the power supply, the
control supply and optional external controls.
The boiler is equipped with an electronic sequencing control that constantly
adapts the power required thanks to a four stage modulation.
The boiler is commonly controlled by an external contact (i.e. room
thermostat). The maximum power can be limited to 25%, 50% or 75% by
moving electrical bridges.
The control circuit is protected by an internal 3 Amp MCB.
The power circuit is protected at its input by 3 power fuses. Moreover, each
contactor - supplying a pair of electric stars (28,8kW) - is protected by an
automatic thermal and magnetic safety relay.
deScRIptIon of the SpecIfIcAtIonS:
This floor standing electric boiler is available in 5 models :
- Model 57 with a power of 57,6 kW
- Model 115 with a power of 115,2 kW
- Model 144 with a power of 144 kW
- Model 201 with a power of 201,6 kW
- Model 259 with a power of 259,2 kW
The power circuit is supplied with 400 Volt tri phases without neutral.
The control circuit is supplied with 230 Volt single phase.
The boiler is protected by a steel casing that has a red stove enamelled finish.
The boiler heating body is constructed from mild steel with welded joints. It is
hydraulic tested at a pressure of 5,2 bar (maximum working pressure = 4 bar).
Immersion heaters, constructed from stainless steel Incoloy 800 are mounted
in the front of the boiler, provide the heating source to the boiler.
1. Control panel
2. Heating elements
3. Contactor and safety relays
4. Optional controller
5. Control circuit
6. Main fuses and power connections
7. Removable access panel
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Merk ACV
Model E-Tech P 115
Categorie CV-ketels
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.86 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over ACV E-Tech P 115 CV-ketel

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat is de juiste druk voor de CV-ketel? Geverifieerd

De juiste druk ligt tussen de 1 en 1,5 bar. Laat de druk nooit oplopen boven de 2 bar.

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De leidingen en radiatoren maken lawaai. Wat is daarvan de oorzaak? Geverifieerd

Er zit zeer waarschijnlijk lucht in het verwarmingssysteem. Het is raadzaam om het systeem te ontluchten.

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Handleiding ACV E-Tech P 115 CV-ketel

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