Handleiding ADE BBQ 1302 Voedselthermometer

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Digital food thermometer
Model BBQ 1302
First use
Open the battery compartment cover on the back
of the food thermometer and remove the battery
safety strip. Please observe the correct polarity of
the batteries (+/-).
Press the oval button on the back of the device to
activate the food thermometer.
Temperature display °C or °F
Press the small push-button "°C/°F" on the back of
the thermometer to toggle between the display for
CelsiusC) and Fahrenheit (°F).
Display readin gs
The upper third of the display shows the cooking
degree, and below it the various meat types.
By pressing the button TAS TE at the top right of
the thermometer you can choose the desired
cooking degree: RARE = lightly cooked (English),
MRARE = between lightly and half-way cooked,
MEDIUM = half-way cooked, WDONE = cooked.
By pressing the button MEAT at the top left of the
thermometer you can choose the type of meat:
The cooking temperature for the desired result is
displayed automatically; the display will now return
to showing the current temperature.
Push the thermometer into the meat to be cooked.
An alarm signal will sound as soon as the tempera-
ture set for the selected meat type and the desired
degree of cooking has been reached.
The head of the thermometer can be rotated up for
easy reading of the display.
CAUTION DO NOT leave thermometer in oven
while cooking!
Pressing the "Reset" button on the back of the food
thermometer will return the display to the default
factory setting.
The food thermometer is constructed from stainless
steel and plastic. Clean the unit with a damp cloth.
Fat or other difficult to remove stains can be re-
moved by using a mild detergent. Do not immerse
in water or clean in the dishwasher.
ADE agrees to rectify any material or manufacturing
defects by offering free repair or replacement, for a
period of 3 years from the purchase date. At the
time of purchase, please get the retailer to fill in and
stamp the guarantee card. In case of a warranty
claim, please return the food thermometer to your
retailer including guarantee card and stating the
reason for the claim.
CE conformity. This device is interfer-
enc e-suppressed in acc ordance with
the applica ble EU Directive
2004 /108/EC.
Extreme sources of electromagnetic radiation, e.g.
the operation of radio equipment in the immediate
vicinity of the food thermometer, may affect the
value displayed. The product will return to proper
function as soon as the interference has been
eliminated. Note: the unit may need to be restarted.
Duty of information regarding the disposal
of batteries
Do not dispose of batteries in domestic waste. As a
consumer, you are legally required to return used
batteries. You may return your used batteries to
public collection points in your community or to any
retailer that sells batteries of the same type.
The following symbols are used on bat-
Li = Battery contains lithium
Al = Battery contains alkaline
Mn = Battery contains manganese
CR (Li); AA (Al, Mn); AAA (Al, Mn)
Safety information for lithium batt eries
1. Lithium batteries are lithium-manganese cells.
Remove the batteries from the device if the food
thermometer will not be used for an extended
period if time.
2. Never open the lithium batteries or throw them
into fire or expose them to shocks, as harmful
vapours could escape or batteries might ex-
3. Never touch leaking batteries with your bare
4. If your eyes or hands are contaminated, rinse
with a lot of water; in case of skin or eye irritation,
consult a doctor.
5. Dispose of batteries only after they have been
discharged completely, or have been packaged
to prevent reverse polarity in compliance local
disposal regulations.
6. Do not subject the cells to direct sunlight and
extreme heat; otherwise, there is a risk of over-
7. Maintain a storage temperature of < 40 °C.
Disposal of electrica l and electronic de-
The symbol on the product or its pack-
aging indicates that this product must
not be disposed of with regular house-
hold waste; these products must be
disposed of at a collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment. For further details about re-
cycling, contact your local council, mu-
nicipal recycling companies, or the
shop where you bought the product.
Best regards,
ADE (GmbH & Co.)
Warranty card 3 years on the digital food
Sender Reason for Claim
___________________________ ______________________________
___________________________ ______________________________
___________________________ ______________________________
___________________________ ______________________________
Date of sale
Please return this section and proof of purchase to
your retailer.
Operating Manual_N_BBQ1302_EN_131007_REV002
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.34 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je ADE BBQ 1302 Voedselthermometer. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met ADE. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van ADE BBQ 1302 Voedselthermometer in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk ADE
Model BBQ 1302
Categorie Voedselthermometers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.34 MB

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Handleiding ADE BBQ 1302 Voedselthermometer

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