Handleiding BaByliss 7491T Tondeuse

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The BaByliss Direct Drive is a lightweight
cord/cordless clipper with direct drive
cutting power. Its unique ‘Turbo’ feature
provides an additional burst of power to
aid cutting performance. It comes with a
range of professional accessories (some of
which can be located in the top of the lid,
under the piece of foam), perfectly
designed to create salon standard haircuts
at home. The precision stainless steel
blades give optimum performance and
the powerful, lightweight motor needs no
Cordless Operations
Before using your clipper for the first
time, or if you have not used your clipper
for more than 6 months, charge it for a
full 24 hours.
Charging: Ensure that the clipper is
switched off. Insert the small plug firmly
into the clipper, then the mains plug
(with transformer) into the wall socket.
The charging indicator light will light up
to indicate that charging has begun.
After it has been charged the first time
and used (see «1» above), the clipper
only needs to be charged for 16 hours
to ensure a full charge. A full charge will
supply enough power for about 45 minutes
hair cutting
If you want to keep the batteries in
good condition allow them to fully
discharge before re-charging.
Corded (Mains) Operation
Ensure that the clipper is switched off.
Insert the small plug on the lead end
firmly into the clipper, then the mains plug
(with transformer) into the wall socket.
• Wait for about a minute, then switch on.
• The clipper can be used for 40 minutes
from the mains.
Inspect your clipper. Make sure the blades
are free from hair and dirt, properly oiled
and running smoothly (if not see the
section headed «Maintenance»).
Oil the blades each time you use the
clipper, whether before or after cutting.
Use only the oil supplied and gently
add a few drops onto the teeth of the
blades whilst it is operating.
Comb the hair until it’s tangle-free,
then hold the clipper in a comfortable
grip. Only use the clipper on clean and
dry hair.
Use the longest setting at first, until you
become familiar with the adjustments. If
you want a shorter cut, you can adjust
the comb to a shorter position and go
over the hair again until you achieve
the desired length.
Just like professional clippers, the BaByliss
clippers are equipped with a 5-position
lever to adjust the cutting length while
clipping. To increase the cutting length,
slowly push the lever down; for the closest
cut, push the lever up (fig.1).
For an extra burst of power, push the
‘Turbo’ button on the right side of the
clipper. This will boost the motor of your
clipper, producing faster cutting action
and increased cutting power for the
more difficult cutting tasks.
This clipper is supplied with 6 cutting
1 3mm
N°2 6mm
N°3 9.5mm
N°4 13mm
N°6 19mm
N°8 25mm
To attach the combs hold them by the
teeth, slide the blade of the clipper
under the recess behind the combs
and snap onto the bottom of the clipper
blade (fig. 2).
• To remove comb attachments, hold the
tab at the base of the comb and pull
out and up (fig. 3).
Use the largest comb attachment and
trim sides from the bottom upwards.
Hold clipper lightly against the hair with
the teeth of the comb attachment pointing
upwards, yet flat against the head.
Gradually lift the clipper upwards and
outwards through the hair, trimming just
a little at a time. The clipper works most
efficiently when it cuts through the hair at
its own speed. Never switch the clipper off
while in the hair. Repeat around the
sides and back of head.
For longer hair on top of the head,
Use the barber’s comb and lift hair on
top of the head, cutting over the comb;
or hold the hair between the fingers and
cut to the desired length. Always working
from the front to the back of the head,
gradually cut the hair shorter by reducing
the space between the comb or fingers
and the head. Comb often to check the
Requires no attachments. Comb the hair
in the desired style. Ensure that the
blade is placed against the hairline. With
the outline of the hair as your guide, slowly
move the clipper over, around and
behind the ears.
For the back of the neck and
the sideburns,
Hold the clipper upside down, and holding
it gently
against the skin at the length
desired, move downward.
o obtain a «Crew Cut»,
Always cut from the back of the neck to
the crown, using the longest attachment
comb. Holding it flat against the head,
slowly move the clipper up through the
hair. Use the same technique for the sides,
cutting from the bottom to the upper side
of the head. Then even it up with the sides.
For the top of the head, use the barber
To maintain correct performance, the
blades must be regularly cleaned and
oiled. It is recommended to oil the blades
every time that the clipper is used, using
the oil provided. Never use any other
product: this oil was formulated for high
speed clippers, it does not evaporate or
slow down the blades.
The blades are removable for easy
cleaning. Always switch off and unplug
before cleaning. Remove the 2 screws
that hold the blades and detach them.
Brush away the hairs with the cleaning
brush, then reassemble. Then put the 2
screws back in place. Before tightening
the screws check that both blades are
Remove and clean the comb attachment
after each use.
This clipper contains Nickel-Cadmium
To help protect our environment, the
Nickel-Cadmium batteries should be
removed for safe disposal at the end of
the clipper’s life.
To remove the battery pack for disposal
or recycling, please follow the procedure
1. First switch the clipper off and unplug
it. Unscrew the 3 screws located at the
bottom of the clipper body.
2. Open the appliance and disconnect the
wires with cutting pliers, then remove
the batteries.
3. For environmental reasons, do not
discard the batteries with your regular
refuse. Contact your local authorities for
more details on recycling and safe
disposal facilities in your area.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.68 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk BaByliss
Model 7491T
Categorie Tondeuses
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.68 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat betekenen de maten van de tondeuse? Geverifieerd

De maten van de tondeuse geven over het algemeen de hoeveelheid haar aan die overblijft na het knippen. Hoe hoger het nummer, hoe langer het kapsel.

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Kan ik een tondeuse gebruiken voor nat haar? Geverifieerd

Gebruik een tondeuse nooit voor nat haar. De tondeuse kan vastlopen en daardoor pijn veroorzaken. Ook kan het water zorgen dat het mes van de tondeuse gaat roesten.

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Handleiding BaByliss 7491T Tondeuse

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