Handleiding Braun PV 1505 Saphir-Jet Strijkijzer

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Praktical Guidelines
Type of Water to be Used
This iron is designed for tap water. However, if
you have hard water we recommend to use:
filtered water (household water filters that also
de-mineralize water are commercially
available) or
a mixture of 1/2 part tap water and 1/2 part
distilled water from drug stores or grocery
portant: Never use distilled water (battery
water). Do not add any additives (e. g. starch) to
the water.
To fill iron
1. Pull the plug out of the wall outlet.
2. Put the steam regulator
in position «
(= steam off).
3. Open sliding shutter
4. Place the iron in the upright position and fill
with water slowly through the tank opening
to the «max.» marking
(a), using the
5. Close sliding shutter.
Selecting the temperature
Connect the iron to a safely located wall outlet
and select the ironing temperature with the
temperature selector
(b). As soon as the pilot
goes out, the iron has reached the
temperature selected. To avoid water dripping,
always rest the iron upright while heating it up
keep the steam regulator
in position «
(= steam off) (c).
You will usually find the following symbols in your
The temperature selector
is marked with
these symbols:
min. The iron is connected
Synthetics (acrylic, acetate)
cotton blends/wool
max. Linen
Select the temperature you need according to
these symbols.
Spray, shot of steam, jet of steam
Before you start ironing, we recommend to press
the buttons 3 or 4 times, in order to activate
these functions.
Dry ironing
Set the steam regulator
in position «
(= steam off) (c) for dry ironing. The water
may be used at any temperature
setting to dampen the laundry. The jet of steam
and the shot of steam
buttons can be
activated during dry ironing, provided that the
temperature selector
is within the continuous
red area
Steam ironing
(see «Table of features»)
perature selection: Set the temperature
within the red
range steam (b) and wait
until the iron has reached the selected
temperature (i. e. the pilot light
goes off).
Steam ironing is possible in the entire red range.
Steam ironing at lower temperatures may cause
water drops instead of steam. Should this
happen, turn the steam regulator
to the
position «
» (= steam off) (c).
Steam regulator
Select the quantity of
steam required (c) for
each garment with the
steam regulator
You can increase the
quantity by turning the
steam regulator clock-
wise (wide markings) to the end of the red
Caution: While ironin
g do not turn the steam
regulator further, otherwise hot water may
come out from the sole plate (see section
By turning the steam regulator anti-clockwise
you can reduce the quantity of steam or turn the
steam off «
» (= steam off) (see «Ironing
Constant steam
: Your Braun steam iron is
equipped with a special tank configuration to
provide constant steam even when the water
level in the tank is low.
«Extra steam
(coming from the
steam vents in the sole
plate): For stubborn
creases and wrinkles,
collars and cuffs.
When ironing within
the red range
area the extra steam function can
be used. You can press the button
(d) for 3
seconds at intervals of no less than 7 seconds.
Jet of steam*
(coming from the outlets
at the slim pointed tip)
): Caution: Keep chil-
dren away from the jet of
steam and do not hold
your fingers in front of the
when activating
this function.
When ironing within the red range
area the jet of steam function
can be used (e). To do so, press the button
intervals of no less than 5 seconds. The jet of
steam has been designed not only for steaming
hard to reach areas like pleats, inside of pockets
etc., but also for steaming hanging clothing (e. g.
velvet skirts, curtains, etc.) (g). The jet of steam
functions between horizontal and upright
positions. Be careful not to touch sensitive
textiles with the hot sole plate.
Shot of steam
* (coming
from the vents in the sole
plate): When ironing
within the red
area the shot of
steam function can be
used. It gives an extra,
particular-ly powerful shot
of steam penetrating deep into the textiles in
order to straighten creases, collars and pleats.
The function «shot of steam» can be used in
normal ironing and also vertically for steaming
hanging clothing (e. g. velvet skirts, curtains etc.)
(g). Press the shot of steam button
at intervals
of no less than 5 seconds. When steaming be
careful not to touch sensitive textiles with the hot
sole plate.
* If pressed too frequently, it can drip. Should this
happen, wait a few seconds before using it
(coming from the
): The spray
function can be used at
any temperature, to
dampen laundry. To do
so, press the button
(water spray = blue).
Spray / shot of steam
2-function button:
With the models 4684 and
4687 the functions «water
spray» and «shot of
steam» can be activated
with a 2-function button.
The desired function can
be selected by turning the
as far as it will
go. The marking (blue =
water spray or red = shot
of steam) must point to
the respective function (f).
Turn the button from blue
(spray) to red (shot of
steam) anti-clockwise
and from red to blue clockwise (f).
After ironing, always pull the plug out of the wall
outlet. Set the temperature selector
to «min.»
(b) and the steam regulator
to «
» (= steam
off) (c).
To empty the iron hold it with the open water tank
downwards (h) and shake it 1 or 2
times. The swivel cord
conveniently winds up
around the cord storage
: Store the cool steam iron in a dry
place and always standing on its heel rest
The sole plate may be damaged by remaining
water if it is stored horizontally. The warranty
does not cover faults or damage resulting from
improper storage of the iron.
Maintenance and Cleaning
To remove residues of minerals/starch from the
sole plate always use steel wool. Never use a
scouring pad, vinegar or other chemicals. The
steam vents
and jet of steam outlets
be cleaned manually with a toothpick, if
necessary. Clean the sole plate regularly if you
use starch or other aids on the clothes for
Decalcifying / Self-cleaning
Braun irons Saphir-jet have a built-in system
(anti-calc. valve) to prevent calcification. It allows
you to clean residues from the steam chamber.
Do not use commercial decalcifiers; they may
damage the sole plate. We recommend to use
the self-cleaning function every 3 months.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.15 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Braun
Model PV 1505 Saphir-Jet
Categorie Strijkijzers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.15 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Braun PV 1505 Saphir-Jet Strijkijzer

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik de strijkzool schoonmaken met een schuurspons? Geverifieerd

Nee, dit kan de strijkzool beschadigen. Gebruik voor het schoonmaken een vochtige doek of een zachte spons.

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Wat zijn de verschillen tussen een stoomstrijkijzer en een gewoon strijkijzer? Geverifieerd

Het grootste voordeel van een stoomstrijkijzer is dat het de stof makkelijker glad krijgt door gebruik van stoom. Een gewoon strijkijzer is daarentegen een stuk lichter en vaak veel goedkoper.

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Zit er BPA in het plastic van Braun producten? Geverifieerd

Braun geeft aan dat voor alle producten geldt dat er geen BPA zit in de onderdelen die met voedsel in aanraking komen.

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Mijn strijkzool is verkleurd, kan ik hier nog mee strijken? Geverifieerd

Dat kan, echter is er wel een kans dat het afgeeft op lichtgekleurde kleding.

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Kan ik over knopen heen strijken? Geverifieerd

Nee, dit kan de strijkzool beschadigen en hierdoor zal het strijkijzer minder goed werken. Strijk daarom nooit over knopen, ritsen of harde voorwerpen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (181) Lees meer

Kan ik gedestilleerd water gebruiken in mijn Braun strijkijzer? Geverifieerd

Nee. Gedestilleerd water kan schade opleveren aan het strijkijzer en leiden tot verminderde werking.

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Handleiding Braun PV 1505 Saphir-Jet Strijkijzer

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