Handleiding Brinsea Contaq Z7 Raptor Broedmachine

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Q4000 US Issue 01
1 Introduction to Contact Incubation
The method of contact incubation technology is actually as old as the birds themselves but
what is new is the unique way the method is applied by this Contaq machine.
Contact incubation is based on the natural incubation process. The most striking difference
between natural and artificial incubation is the fact that the natural parent provides warmth
by contact rather than surrounding the egg with warm air. This may not at first sight seem
significant but important research studies carried out by J. Scott Turner at New York State
University and the University of Cape Town has revealed major unsuspected differences in
thermal behaviour of eggs incubated by contact rather than convection. Crucially, eggs in a
forced draft incubator have near uniform temperature throughout incubation; there will be
some increase in embryonic temperature towards the end of incubation as a result of
increased metabolism but otherwise the whole egg will remain near incubator air
temperature. By contrast, eggs incubated naturally or by contact, have significant
temperature differences. Heat is entering the egg over a relatively small brood patch, which
is therefore warmer than other regions of the egg, and is being lost from most of the
remaining shell area which is cooler.
In contact incubation, the embryo temperature tends to fall at later stages of incubation as a
result of the embryo’s own blood circulation which becomes significantly more important
than embryonic metabolism in determining temperature distribution and heat flow within
the egg, quite contrary to previous understanding which assumed metabolism to be dominant
and cause egg temperature to rise. The inevitable fact that the embryo grows larger and must
move from its original position on top of the yolk sack downwards in the egg to cooler regions
also tends to reduce embryonic temperature as incubation progresses. These important
findings emphasise surprising differences between natural and artificial incubation, but there
are others. Eggs in nature are certainly subjected to a cycle of warming and cooling coupled
with ventilation as the parent bird leaves the nest to feed and defend territory, etc.
The Contaq incubator should be viewed as replacing the natural Bird and Nest combination.
The pressurised ‘skin’ mimics the functions of an incubating parent; providing warmth by
contact with the tops of eggs, but also the facility to lift from the eggs periodically and in doing
so, causes a substantial influx of fresh air in the manner of a bird standing or leaving the nest.
The Contaq egg chamber also provides sophisticated provision for automatic turning of eggs
of different sizes. Egg turning coincides with lifting of the skin and enables programma ble
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Merk Brinsea
Model Contaq Z7 Raptor
Categorie Broedmachines
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.52 MB

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