Handleiding Brinsea Hatchmaker Broedmachine

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1. Ensure a steady room temperature day and night around 21.1°C (70°F).
Use an electric heater with a thermostat if necessary.
2. Keep out of direct sunlight. Beware of rapid temperature rise
due to sunlight. Ensure that the incubator is on a level surface.
3. Check that available electrical supply matches the machine.
Always disconnect the power supply before moving the
Caution: Errors in temperature account for most failures.
Adjust with care.
4. Your incubator may not be set to the correct temperature from
factory. As the incubator warms up and approaches its control
setting the red LED will change from continuously on to flashing.
Allow 2 hours to stabilise the temperature before setting eggs –
check against thermometer supplied. The thermometer is
mounted in a swivel clip. Ensure that the bulb is adjusted just
clear of the top of the eggs.
5. Fine adjustments can be made with a small screwdriver by
adjusting the screw on the control panel - clockwise to increase
temperature. A half turn is approximately 1°C (3°F). The red light
indicates when the heater is on and will flash about once every
second when the incubator is up to temperature.
6. Recommended temperatures: Incubation period
Hens 39.2°C 102.5°F 21 days
Pheasant 39.5°C 103°F 24 days
Quail 39.2°C 102.5°F 17 days
Ducks 39°C 102°F 28 days
Geese 39°C 102°F 28-32 days
31. Candle eggs with a high intensity light source (such as the Brinsea
Egglume) to gauge the extent of embryo development and air space
increase during incubation. Break open unhatched eggs.
1) Clear when candled - probably infertile (or very early death)
when candled at 8days
2) Fertile with red blood vessels - after 8 days
3) Red or black staining - early death when candled at 8 days
4) Embryo with red blood ‘ring’ - early death (candled at 8 days)
5) Dark outline with ill defined detail - late death (10-16 days)
6) Live embryo with bill in air sack - due to hatch in 24-48 hours
7) Normal development of the air pocket according to the
number of days
32. Incubation advice is available from Brinsea Products and a range
of books on the subject can also be supplied.
1 2 3
4 5 6
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Merk Brinsea
Model Hatchmaker
Categorie Broedmachines
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.11 MB

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