Handleiding Carlton EF1000 Elektrische haard

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Do not operate the electric fire with a damaged cord
or plug or after the electric fire malfunctions, has
been dropped or damaged in any manner.
If the power cord becomes damaged, it must be
replaced by your service agent or qualified person to
prevent a hazard. Please contact your local Currys
store for details.
Mains supply: 230-240V
Output: low heat 1000 watts
high heat 2000 watts
Lamp: 15x2 watts
Flame flicker: 30 watts, <35dB
Width at rear: 400mm
Overall width: 508mm
Height at rear: 535mm
Overall height: 600mm
Depth: 230mm
Because we continually strive to improve our products we may change
specifications and designs without prior notice.
Always position the heater with the plug in an accessible
Keep clear of
flammable objects
Make sure that the plug
is always accessible.
Point the electric fire into
the centre of the room
and away from curtains, furniture, or wall
coverings. Do not use the electric fire in
wardrobes or near fabric or clothing. Do
not stand the electric fire on deep pile car-
pets. Keep the electric fire mains cord clear
of the electric fire.
Do not cover – Use
your electric fire in a
well-ventilated area. Do
not use where
flammable liquids are
used or stored. Do not
use in very dusty areas as dust may
accumulate on the heating elements and
cause overheating.
Do not use in the
bathroom, shower
or near a swimming
pool Do not use your
electric fire anywhere
where it could be
splashed by water or fall into water.
Do not leave
unattended Switch
off and unplug the
electric fire when not in
use and do not stand
your electric fire nearer
than 15cm to any flammable object.
Do not allow young
children to play
with your electric
fire Do not allow
children to open door or
play at the back of the
electric fire.
Make sure to follow these warnings:
Do not cover the heater. Do not block (even partially) the
front and rear grills of your heater.
Do not leave your heater unattended. Switch off and
unplug your heater when not in use.
Do not touch the knob on the front of the fire. It will
become hot.
Keep your heater free of dust to prevent overheating and
prolong the life of your heater. This can be done with a
vacuum cleaner, using the brush attachment, when the heater
is switched off and unplugged and cooled down.
Do not place your electric fire too close or below an
electrical mains socket.
EF1000 electric fire A3 12/10/99 12:50 pm Page 1
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Carlton EF1000 Elektrische haard. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Carlton. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Carlton EF1000 Elektrische haard in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Carlton
Model EF1000
Categorie Elektrische haarden
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.19 MB

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Handleiding Carlton EF1000 Elektrische haard

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