Handleiding Chariot Cheetah 1 Fietskar

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1. General Items
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing a
Chariot Carrier!
Congratulations on choosing a X-Country CTS Ready Chassis,
the key component of the world‘s premiere Child Transport
System (CTS).
Your new CTS carrier offers superior quality, safety features and
comfort. In addition, Chariot CTS Conversion Kits can provide
you with the versatility to meet all of your child transportation
The CTS Conversion Kits available from your Chariot dealer are
the following:
Cycling CTS Kit
Hiking CTS Kit
Jogging CTS Kit
Strolling CTS Kit (wheels only)
X-Country Skiing CTS Kit
Who is this Manual intended for?
This Manual is intended for the purchaser and user of the
carrier, who is also responsible for keeping it in proper
condition, carrying out maintenance as prescribed and
performing repairs.
When using this carrier, please also follow the owners manual
of the bicycle used for towing and the specications given there
regarding the maximum allowable full load for the bicycle.
Performance characteristics of the Ready Chassis, valid for
all CTS Conversion Kits
Cargo load of the
Cheetah 1, Cougar 1, and CX 1 34 kg/75 lb, 1 child
Cargo load of the
Cheetah 2, Cougar 2, and CX 2 45 kg/100 lb,
maximum of 2 children
Maximum body height of the children 111 cm (43.7“)
(head or helmet
must not protrude above
the carrier frame)
Use as intended
The carrier is intended for use within the performance ranges
specied for the carrying of children in daylight hours, on
sidewalks, light trafc public roads, and smooth paths.
Luggage may also be carried in the storage bags intended for
that purpose, provided the children in the carrier are not put at
If the child carrier is used in conditions of poor visibility, at dusk
or in the hours of darkness, it is highly recommended to be
tted with a safety approved working light set.
As part of the recommended use, you should also follow this
Owners Manual and comply with the prescribed maintenance
Use not recommended
Any use that goes beyond the above is not recommended.
Use not recommended is primarily the conveying of people
together with animals, use of this carrier on rough off-road
terrain, use for commercial purposes, overloading, excessive
speed and improper repair of defects or modications.
The manufacturer is not liable for damages arising from use that
is not recommended – this is at the risk of the user.
Intended Use
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Chariot Cheetah 1 Fietskar. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Chariot. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Chariot Cheetah 1 Fietskar in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Chariot
Model Cheetah 1
Categorie Fietskarren
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.96 MB

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