Handleiding Chariot Cheetah 1 Fietskar

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3.4 Safety instructions for carrying infants
Children who cannot as yet sit up without support may only
be carried using the Chariot infant Sling (accessory).
The Manufacturer accepts no liability for use of other sitting
aids or baby seats.
Please make sure you follow the safety instructions in the
Chariot Infant Sling Owners Manual
3.5 Safety instructions for maintenance and
The maintenance work specied (see Section 12) is
absolutely essential for the long-term safe operation of the
Only use original spare parts. When replacing safety-related
parts, such as the frame, wheels, hitcharm and fabric, only
have this carried out by an Authorized Chariot Retailer.
Regularly check all safety-related parts, such as the frame,
wheels, hitcharm and fabric, for damage or tearing. At the
rst sign of damage have the relevant part replaced by your
Authorized Chariot Retailer.
Tears in the fabric actually represent a high safety risk. Due
to tears in the fabric your child could come into contact with
the wheels or the road surface.
If you nd a tear in the fabric, stop using and contact your
Authorized Chariot Retailer immediately: the fabric can either
be repaired or replaced.
Never try to straighten out bent safety-related parts such
as the frame, wheels or hitcharm. Have the relevant part
replaced by your Authorized Chariot Retailer. There is a risk
of it cracking and subsequently breaking.
We recommend annual maintenance of the wheels by your
Authorized Chariot Retailer.
3.6 Warning against unauthorised modications
and additions
Unauthorized rebuilds or modications of the carrier are
not permitted for reasons of safety and render the warranty
Installation of a car safety seats, other seats, or seat
supports that do not carry the approval of the manufacturer is
not permitted.
Do not t any additional parts, such as a luggage rack, that
do not carry the express of the manufacturer.
The carrying of pedal cars, which are attached to the
handlebar or some other part of the carrier, is not permitted.
4. Description of the Ready Chassis
4.1 Supplied as standard
Cheetah 1, Cheetah 2, Cougar 1, Cougar 2
Carrier with two-in-one weather cover, two 20” wheels, and
CX 1, CX 2
Carrier with two-in-one weather cover, two 20”/51cm wheels
with drum brakes; handlebar with brake lever, connected to the
passenger compartment by brake cable
(Note: Do not bend!); handlebar bag on handlebar; 2 plastic
caps on the brake drums (keep in a safe place!)
Take care not to bend the brake cable which connects the
handlebar with the passenger compartment on the CX. This
might reduce the braking effect, or the brake may not conti-
nue to function.
NOTE: All references to orientation (i.e. left or right) is from
the passengers point of view while sitting in the carrier.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 6.96 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Chariot
Model Cheetah 1
Categorie Fietskarren
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.96 MB

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