Handleiding Clarke CTJ 5GLC Krik

Handleiding voor je Clarke CTJ 5GLC Krik nodig? Hieronder kun je de handleiding gratis bekijken en downloaden als PDF in het Nederlands en/of Engels. Dit product heeft 0 veelgestelde vragen, 0 comments en heeft 0 stemmen. Is dit niet de handleiding die je zoekt, neem dan contact met ons op.

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Inspect for distortion of components, and security of all nuts and bolts. If in doubt, do not use.
Have damaged parts repaired or replaced. If necessary, consult your CLARKE dealer.
Every 6 months
Remove the top cover by unscrewing the cover securing screws (the covers on the 5 and
10 Tonne models, hinge back towards the handle), and inspect thoroughly for cracks or
distortion of the components, and security of all nuts and bolts. If in doubt, do not use. Have
damaged parts repaired or replaced.
Lubricate all parts and check for oil leaks. If a slight oil seepage is evident, check the ram oil
level, by removing the filler plug, directly on top of the ram. The oil should be level with the
bottom of the filler orifice. If necessary, top up with CLARKE HYDRAULIC OIL. (See your
CLARKE dealer. For 1 litre bottle quote Part No. 3050830.)
If the leak is more pronounced, DO NOT use the jack....consult your CLARKE dealer.
Grease the points shown in Fig.1..Castor Assembly’s, Front Wheels (except for the 3 Tonne
model which is not provided with grease points at the front wheels), and pivot point.
Store in a dry place where it cannot be attacked by the elements. If stored for long periods,
inspect at least twice a year, clean and re-oil. For servicing, contact your CLARKE dealer, or
CLARKE International Service Dep’t.
(3tonne) (5tonne) (10tonne)
Maximum load (Tonnes) 3 5 10
Minimum Height (mm) 130 150 170
Maximum Height (mm) 610 570 585
Overall Length (mm) 1415 1405 1545
Overall Width 340 375 460
Weight (kg/lbs) 80/176 102.5/225 148/325
Part No. 7621030 7621035 7621040
The following user serviceable parts are available from your Clarke dealer, or Clarke
International Parts Dept.
1. Saddle
2. Castor Assembly
3. Front Wheel Assembly
4. Release Valve Operating Lever
For Spare Parts and Servicing, please contact your nearest dealer, or
CLARKE International, on one of the following numbers.
PARTS & SERVICE TEL: 020 8988 7400
PARTS & SERVICE FAX: 020 8558 3622
This CLARKE product is guaranteed against faulty manufacture for a period of 12 months
from the date of purchase. Please keep your receipt which will be required as proof of
This guarantee is invalid if the product is found to have been abused in any way, or not used
for the purpose for which it was intended. Faulty goods should be returned to their place of
purchase, no product can be returned to us without prior permission.
This guarantee does not effect your statutory rights.
3, 5 & 10 tonne
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Merk Clarke
Model CTJ 5GLC
Categorie Krikken
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.79 MB

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Handleiding Clarke CTJ 5GLC Krik

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