Handleiding Currys Essentials C12FCB10 Koffiezetapparaat

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Remove all packaging from the coee maker. Retain the packaging. If you dispose of
it please do so according to any local regulations.
The following items are included:
The Main Unit
• Jug (P.N.: XQ686-1)
• Filter (P.N.: XQ686-35)
• Instruction Manual (P.N.: XQ686-3)
If items are missing or damaged, please contact Partmaster (UK only)
Tel: 0870 6001 338 for assistance.
To reduce the risk of re or electrical shock, do not remove any service covers.
No user serviceable parts inside. Repair should be done by authorised
personnel only.
The jug may break if the following instructions are not followed:
1. Do not set a hot jug on a wet or cold surface.
2. Do not use a cracked jug or a jug with a loose or weakened handle.
3. Do not clean the jug with cleaners, steel wool pads or other abrasive materials.
4. Discard jug immediately if it is ever boiled dry.
5. Avoid sharp blows, scratches or rough handling.
1. Wash the jug, the lid, the lter tray and the lter in mild detergent and hot water.
Rinse them thoroughly.
2. Fit the filter into the filter tray and close the filter tray.
3. To clean the inside of the coee maker, ll the water reservoir of your coee maker
with water, and follow Steps 3 to 6 in the BREWING COFFEE guide.
4. Once the initial cleaning cycle is complete, switch o the coee maker and discard
the water in the jug.
5. Your coee maker is now ready to use.
Water Reservoir
Filter Tray
Reservoir Cover
Warming Plate
ON/OFF Switch
Amount of Water
1 serving (125ml) 1 level tablespoon (15ml) 2 tablespoons
12 level tablespoons6 level tablespoons 6 servings (750ml)
24 level tablespoons12 level tablespoons 12 servings (1.5L)
Amount of
Ground Coee
Regular Brew
Amount of
Ground Coee
Strong Brew
Amount of Water
1 serving (125ml) 1 rounded teaspoon 2 rounded teaspoons
12 rounded teaspoons6 rounded teaspoons 6 servings (750ml)
Amount of
Instant Coee
Regular Brew
Amount of
Instant Coee
Strong Brew
1. Open the lter tray.
2. Add the desired amount of coffee into the filter (follow the measurement tables
shown above). Shake lightly to level the coffee. Close the filter tray.
3. Fill the jug with tap water to the desired capacity.
4. Pour the water from the jug into the water reservoir. Place the empty jug onto the
warming plate.
5. Switch your coffee maker on with the ON/OFF switch.
6. When the coffee stops dripping, the brewing cycle is complete (this usually takes
about 10 minutes for a 12 cup load). Your coee is ready to drink, and will be kept
warm on the heated warming plate.
7. Carefully open the lter tray and discard the used ground coee from the lter.
Rinse the lter tray and lter after use and then ret them.
8. To make another pot of coee, repeat the above Steps 1 to 7.
Switch off your coffee maker when the jug is empty or when you are not
using it. Unplug the mains cable when not using the coffee maker for a
long period of time.
To avoid the risk of personal injury or damage to property as a result of
overow, be sure that the jug is squarely centred under the lter tray during
the brewing cycle.
The brewed coffee in the jug and the grounds in the filter tray are very hot.
Handle them with care to avoid scalding.
If the coffee fails to drain into the jug during the brewing cycle causing
overflows, do not open or touch the filter tray. Unplug the coffee maker,
and wait for it to cool down before handling.
Type of Water Cleaning Frequency
Soft Water Every 80 Brewing Cycles
Hard Water Every 40 Brewing Cycles
Your coee maker must be cleaned when you notice any excessive steaming or the
brewing time increases considerably. This condition is caused by a build-up of lime
and mineral deposits from your water. If the pumping action stops before all the
water has been pumped out of the coee maker, then it requires cleaning. The
frequency of cleaning depends on the hardness of the water used. The following
table gives suggested cleaning intervals.
Pour one litre of undiluted white household vinegar into your coee maker ‘s water
1. Place the empty jug on the warming plate and switch on the coee maker. When
half of the vinegar has owed through, switch o the coee maker and allow it
stands for 1/2 hour.
2. After 1/2 hour, pour the vinegar inside the jug back into the coee maker water
3. Place the empty jug on the warming plate. Switch on the coffee maker again and
allow the coee maker to complete its brewing cycle with all of the vinegar owing
through into the jug.
4. Discard the vinegar.
5. To remove all traces of vinegar, pour a jug full of tap water into the water reservoir
of the coee maker, then switch on the coee maker again and allow it to cycle
6. Discard the water and switch o the coee maker.
Hard water can leave a whitish mineral deposit inside the jug. Coee can discolour
these deposits, sometimes leaving a brownish stain inside the jug. To remove these
stains, follow these simple steps:
1. Use a solution of equal parts white vinegar and hot water.
2. Let solution stand in jug for about 20 minutes and then discard.
3. Wash and rinse the jug thoroughly using a soft cloth. Do not use harsh abrasive
NOTE: Jug and filter are dishwasher safe.
Why doesn’t the ON/OFF
switch light up?
Why doesn’t the coee
Why does the coee
maker only brew water?
Why does the coee
taste badly?
Why do grounds appear
in the coee?
Check if you have plugged your coee maker into the
mains socket.
Check if you have plugged the unit into the mains
socket; or the lter tray is not properly inserted, or
there is a power outage, or the water reservoir is empty.
There is no coee in the lter, check that you have
added the desired amount of coee.
Maybe you did not use the coffee grind recommended
for automatic drip coee makers, or the ground
coee-to-water ratio was unbalanced, or the coee
maker needs to be cleaned.
Maybe the filter is not properly seated in the filter tray
or the lter has collapsed.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.62 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Currys Essentials C12FCB10 Koffiezetapparaat. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Currys Essentials. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Currys Essentials C12FCB10 Koffiezetapparaat in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Currys Essentials
Model C12FCB10
Categorie Koffiezetapparaten
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.62 MB

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Meer handleidingen voor Koffiezetapparaten

Veelgestelde vragen over Currys Essentials C12FCB10 Koffiezetapparaat

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat zegt de maalgraad over de koffie? Geverifieerd

De maalgraad bepaalt in grote mate de smaak van de koffie. Een fijnere maalgraad betekent over het algemeen een sterkere smaak en een grovere maalgraad een zachtere smaak. Bij zeer fijne maling kan koffie bitter worden.

Ik vind dit nuttig (691) Lees meer

Wat is de beste manier om koffie te bewaren? Geverifieerd

Koffie kun je het beste bewaren in een schoon en luchtdicht blik.

Ik vind dit nuttig (288) Lees meer


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Handleiding Currys Essentials C12FCB10 Koffiezetapparaat

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