Handleiding Denon AVR-1705 Receiver

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Front Panel
For details on the functions of these parts, refer to the pages given in parentheses ( ).
Power ON/STANDBY switch .............(11, 18, 29)
Power indicator ........................................(11, 18)
Power switch ...........................................(11, 18)
Headphone jack (PHONES) ............................(20)
INPUT MODE button ...............................(19, 21)
SPEAKER A/B buttons .............................(18, 33)
SURROUND BACK button .............................(25)
EXT. IN button ..........................................(19, 21)
BAND button..................................................(30)
STANDARD button ................................(21 ~ 25)
5CH/6CH STEREO button ..............................(27)
DIRECT/STEREO button.................................(26)
Preset station select buttons .........................(30)
TUNING (up) / ª (down) buttons ................(30)
V. AUX INPUT terminals...............................(3, 7)
SURROUND MODE button............................(19)
..............(22, 27)
SELECT knob .....................................(20, 23, 28)
TONE DEFEAT button ....................................(20)
TONE CONTROL button ................................(20)
MASTER VOLUME control ............................(19)
RT button........................................................(33)
PTY button......................................................(32)
RDS button.....................................................(31)
SURROUND BACK indicator ..........................(25)
MASTER VOLUME indicator..........................(19)
INPUT mode indicators ..................................(19)
SIGNAL indicators ..........................................(19)
ANALOG button .......................................(19, 21)
Remote control sensor...................................(10)
INPUT SELECTOR knob.................................(19)
1. Dolby Digital
Using advanced digital processing algorithms,
Dolby Digital provides up to 5.1 channels of wide-
range, high fidelity surround sound. Dolby Digital is
the default digital audio delivery system for DVD
and North American DTV.
2. Dolby Pro Logic
IIx compatibility
Dolby Pro Logic
IIx furthers the matrix decording
technology of Dolby Pro Logic
II to decode audio
signals recorded on two channels into up to 6.1
playback channels, including the surround back
The mode can be selected according to the source.
The Music mode is best suited for playing
music,the Cinema mode for playing movies, and
the Game mode for playing games. The Game
mode can only be used with 2-channel audio
3. Dolby Pro Logic
II Game mode compatibility
In addition to the previously offered Music and
Cinema modes, the AVR-1705 also offers a Game
mode optimum for games.
4. DTS (Digital Theater Systems)
DTS provides up to 5.1 channels of wide-range,
high fidelity surround sound, from sources such as
laser disc, DVD and specially-encoded music discs.
5. DTS-ES Extended Surround and DTS Neo:6
The AVR-1705 can be decoded with DTS-ES
Extended Surround, a multi-channel format
developed by Digital Theater Systems Inc.
The AVR-1705 can be also decoded with DTS
Neo:6, a surround mode allowing 6.1 channels
playback of regular stereo sources.
6. DTS 96/24 compatibility
The AVR-1705 can be decoded with sources
recorded in DTS 96/24, a multi-channel digital
signal format developed by Digital Theater
Systems Inc.
DTS 96/24 sources can be played in the multi-
channel mode on the AVR-1705 with high sound
quality of 96 kHz/24 bits or 88.2 kHz/24 bits.
7. Component Video Switching
In addition to composite video and “S” video
switching, the AVR-1705 provides 3 sets of
component video (Y, P
B/CB, PR/CR) inputs, and one
set of component video outputs to the television,
for superior picture quality.
8. Auto Surround Mode
This function stores the surround mode last used
for an input signal in the memory and
automatically sets that surround mode the next
time that signal is input.
9. Front input Terminal
The unit is equipped with a Front Input connector
for the convenient connection of a video camera
or other equipment.
10. 6CH EXT. IN jacks
This unit is equipped with 6CH EXT. IN jacks for
use with audio formats of the future.
11. Personal Memory Plus function
Personal Memory Plus is an advanced version of
Personal Memory. With Personal Memory Plus,
the set automatically memorizes the surround
mode, channel volume, surround parameters,
etc., for each of the separate input sources.
12. Preset Memory Tuning
56-Station AM/FM Random Preset Memory
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Merk Denon
Model AVR-1705
Categorie Receivers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 5.15 MB

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Handleiding Denon AVR-1705 Receiver

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