Handleiding Dometic VacuFlush 5049 Toilet

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VacuFlush Pedal-Flush ToiletGeneral safety instructions
Caution! Hazard of Flooding
If the toilet uses fresh water for ushing and is connected directly or indirectly to a shore-
side municipal water system at ANY time, shoreside water connections MUST be
disconnected if the boat is unattended (even if boat is unattended for a brief period).
Failure to do so can result in ooding which can cause loss of property and life.
Caution! Hazard of Flooding
Before beginning any work on this product, be sure that all electrical power to the toilet
system has been turned off and that seacocks are in the CLOSED or OFF position. Failure
to do so can result in ooding which can cause loss of property and life.
Overlling the holding tank can create serious damage to the sanitation system, such as
rupturing the holding tank and releasing tank contents into the bilge. To prevent this
possibility, Dometic recommends using the “full” tank shut-down relay in the toilet’s
electronic control module. The “full” signal from the holding tank can be generated by an
optional Dometic DTM01C tank monitor or DTM04 four-level tank monitor system.
3 Intended use
The Dometic VacuFlush toilet vacuums waste from the bowl and pumps it to a holding tank or other
efuent storage/disposal system. Operated by a foot pedal, the toilet allows the user to add water to
the bowl (before using or ushing) by slightly raising the pedal, and to ush the toilet by pressing the
pedal down. An optional status panel activates lights to indicate when the toilet is activated, when
the toilet is ready to ush, and when the toilet is not ready to ush due to recharging vacuum.
3.1 Benefits
Convenient pedal-operated flush. Add water or ush with the foot pedal.
Home-like comfort in small space. Toilets feature a full-size wood seat with large opening and
deep bowl for premium comfort.
Water conservation. Water consumption per ush is determined by how long the pedal is pushed.
VacuFlush pedal-ush toilets typically use about 1 pint (0.5 l) per ush when the pedal is pressed
for 3 seconds.
Integrated check valve. VacuFlush 5000 series toilets use an in-line check valve to prevent back-
ow in event of negative pressure in the water supply line.
“OK to Flush” and “Do Not Flush” indicator lights (option). When equipped with an optional
VacuFlush status panel, a green light indicates when proper vacuum is achieved and toilet is ready
to ush. Red light indicates when vacuum level is too low for a ush to occur. Vacuum recharges
in about one minute after ushing.
Automatic “full tank” shut-down (option). When connected to an optional holding tank level
indication system and the holding tank reaches full level, the VacuFlush toilet’s vacuum generator
will shut its electrical power off. This safety feature prevents overlling the holding tank, which
may cause damage to the boat.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.87 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Dometic
Model VacuFlush 5049
Categorie Toiletten
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.87 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Wat is de ideale hoogte voor een toilet? Geverifieerd

De standaard hoogte van een toilet is ongeveer 40cm. Een staand toilet is vaak van deze hoogte en een hangend toilet kan zelf op een andere hoogte gemonteerd worden indien gewenst.

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Er zit een barst in mijn keramisch toilet, kan ik deze blijven gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Een barst in een keramisch toilet betekent niet altijd dat deze vervangen dient te worden, maar vergt wel reparatie. Afhankelijk van de barst kan er op terwijn water doorheen komen, wat verdere schade aan het toilet of de vloer kan verzoorzaken.

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Handleiding Dometic VacuFlush 5049 Toilet

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