Handleiding Emjoi AP-99 Optima Epilator

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warranty against defects
in material and workmanship lasts one year
from the date of purchase. During this warranty
period, Emjoi (directly or through your local
retailer) will take care of repair, or at their
discretion, replacement of the defective unit
without charge.
* Original invoice or receipt is needed
for warranty service.
IMPORTANT: This warranty does not cover
damages resulting from accidents, misuse,
alterations, abuse, lack of reasonable care, or
performance of services or repairs by an
unauthorized service center.
The manufacturers and the distributors of the
do not assume responsibility
for any damage caused by misuse or use other
than that described in these instructions.
For questions and comments in the US
visit us at www.emjoi.com
Model AP-99 | US Patent No. 5,281,233 Other Patents Pending
Design Patent Pending | © Soft Lines International, Ltd. 2001 | Made in China
intended to be used anywhere on the
face. You can use the Emjoi
on your bodyarms, legs, underarms and
bikini line. Important: To prevent
discomfort hold the skin taut surrounding
the area you are removing hair from.
Q: Can I use the Emjoi
Optima on
the sides of my face?
A: No. The Emjoi
Optima is only
intended to remove hair from the body-
legs, underarms, bikini line and arms.
Q: Can I use the Emjoi
Optima on
my bikini line and underarms?
A: Yes. Since these areas can be sensitive,
before removing hair from the bikini line
or underarms it is important to hold the
skin taut. For best results - use the loofa
sponge, enclosed, or an exfoliating cream
in a warm shower or bath to remove
dead skin and prevent ingrown hairs.
Q: What if my skin becomes red after
using the Emjoi
A: Whenever you remove hair from the
root your skin may become red or
irritated. To sooth irritation you can use
lotion with aloe vera, antibiotic ointment
or Emjoi
After Epilation Cream, visit
www.emjoi.com, scientifically designed
to speed up the healing process and
sooth irritation that is sometimes
associated with epilation.
Q: What can I do for ingrown hairs?
A: We recommend using the loofa
sponge, enclosed, or an exfoliation
cream in the shower or bath to soften
the skin and any ingrown hairs, enabling
the Emjoi
Optima to remove the hair
from the root.
Q: I have varicose veins; can I use the
A: Regarding any medical issues or
questions, we strongly advise you to
consult your health care physician prior
to use.
Q: Why does the Emjoi
Optima have
two heads?
A: To minimize discomfort, by
stretching the skin taut, and to remove
more hair, more pulling agents, in less
Q: Can I use this unit without the cord?
A: No. The Emjoi
Optima must be
used with its adapter cord. Do not use
any other cord with this unit other than
the one Emjoi supplied.
Q: Do I have to clean the Emjoi
A: Yes. We recommend that you clean
your unit after each use. Before cleaning
make sure to turn your Emjoi
to the Off position and unplug the
unit from the electrical outlet. Remove
the tweezer disc head by pressing the
release button, long button located
directly above the on/off switch, and
at the same time gently pull the tweezer
disc head upwards. Use the brush,
enclosed, to remove hair from the
tweezer disc head and the unit.
Replace the tweezer disc head, by
gently pressing until you hear it click
into place.
Note: When replacing the tweezer
disc head, make sure that the teethed
wheel on the unit and the opening on
the bottom of the tweezer disc head
line up.
Q: Should I let someone else use my
A: No. For sanitary reasons, the
Optima is only recommended
to be used by one person.
Q: How can I sanitize the tweezers?
A: To sanitize the stainless steel
tweezers, use rubbing alcohol on the
tip of the tweezers with a cotton swab
that has been squeezed dry. Make
sure that the cotton swab is not soaked
with alcohol.
Q: What are the white things next to
the tweezers?
A: They are patented hair guides to
channel fine hair into the tweezer discs.
Q: I have a pacemaker; can I use the
A: With any medical conditions we
recommend that you consult with your
physician prior to use.
Dual Opposed
Tweezer System
Shaving Questions
Q: When should I use the shaving
A: The shaving attachment has been
included so you can have the ultimate
hair removal experience. You can
epilate, for long lasting results or shave;
it is totally up to you.
Q: How do I change from the epilation
head to the shaving head?
A: Make sure that your Emjoi
Optima is in the Off position. Press
the release button on the front of the
unit and gently pull of the epilation
head. Place the shaving attachment
into the unit by pressing until you hear
it click into place. Note: When placing
the shaving attachment into the unit,
make sure that the teethed wheel on
the unit and the opening of the shaving
attachment line up.
Q: What is the comb coming out of
each side of the shaving attachment?
A: That is a long hair trimmer to make
shaving even more effective than the
foil head alone.
Q: How do I clean the shaving
A: It is recommended to clean the
shaving attachment after each use. Use
the cleaning brush, enclosed to gently
brush the hairs off the unit.
Tweezer Heads
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Emjoi AP-99 Optima Epilator. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Emjoi. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Emjoi AP-99 Optima Epilator in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Emjoi
Model AP-99 Optima
Categorie Epilatoren
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.07 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Emjoi Epilatoren
Meer handleidingen voor Epilatoren

Veelgestelde vragen over Emjoi AP-99 Optima Epilator

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan een epilator op elk lichaamsdeel gebruikt worden? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunnen epilators op elk lichaamsdeel gebruikt worden, inclusief gevoelige gebieden.

Ik vind dit nuttig (125) Lees meer

Hoe lang duurt het voordat het haar weer teruggroeit? Geverifieerd

Na het gebruik van een epilator groeit haar over het algemeen na een paar weken weer terug.

Ik vind dit nuttig (58) Lees meer

Wat is het verschil tussen epileren en waxen? Geverifieerd

In essentie werken beide methodes hetzelfde, maar epileren wordt over het algemeen als iets pijnlijker beschouwd. Het gebruik van een epilator levert doorgaans wel minder bijwerkingen op.

Ik vind dit nuttig (44) Lees meer

Kan een epilator ook gebruikt worden voor langer haar? Geverifieerd

Nee, wanneer een epilator wordt gebruikt voor langer haar is er een kans dat het haar breekt in plaats van dat het met de wortel wordt weggetrokken.

Ik vind dit nuttig (28) Lees meer


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Handleiding Emjoi AP-99 Optima Epilator

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