Handleiding FERM MMM1005 Multimeter

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2 Ferm
Product: Ferm Digital Multimeter
Type MM-925, Art. nr. 185925
Ferm, Genemuiden, The Netherlands
For a proper operation of this multimeter
please read this instruction manual care-
fully before use.
Do no apply an input which exceeds the maximum
and the measurement range.
For an accurate measurement, change the battery
when ‘ ‘appears on the display.
If the fuse needs to be replaced, a fuse of the same spe-
cification (200 mA / 250 V) must be used.
Keep the test lead away from the circuit and put the
switch into the "power off" position when the battery
needs to be changed, the fuse be replaced or the ca-
sing opened.
Do not store the multimeter in a place with extreme
temperatures or high relative humidity.
When the multimeter has not been used for a long pe-
riod of time, rotate the switch back and forth several
times in order to promote proper functioning.
Do not use volatile or corrosive cleaning agents for
the multimeter; use a soft cotton cloth with a mild de-
tergent instead.
Please observe the WARNINGS in this manual. Impro-
per use can lead to bodily injury.
The following legend applies to this manual:
- Dangerous voltage (Take care not to receive an
electric shock when measuring the voltage).
- Ground (Voltage between input terminal and
- Direct current (DC).
- Alternating current (AC).
- Replace fuses with the amp/Volt ratings shown (spe-
Brief description
This multimeter has been designed to ensure the ef-
fective protection of the LCD display. The built-in
test lead ensures safe and easy use.
The multimeter can be opened by simply pressing the
one-touch button on the cover.
The multimeter can be switched off automatically by
closing the cover. This will save battery energy.
Standard features
3 1/2 digit LCD display, max. display 1999, height 11
When taking measurements in the overmeasuring
range, 'I' will appear on the display. In that case the me-
asuring range needs to be increased.
Equipped with diode checking and logic testing.
Indicates when the battery needs to be replaced.
• 9 V battery.
Outside dimensions: 139 x 75 x 26 mm.
Weight: approx. 200 g (incl. battery and test lead).
The multimeter is protected with a 230 V / 200 mA fu-
se in voltage and current measurement.
The multimeter has a 230 V AC/DC max. overvoltage
protection in resistance measurement.
Front panel lay-out:
A) Display
B) Transistor socket
C) Function switch
D) Range selector
Technical specification and operating procedure
Ambient temperature: 23 + 5 °C
Relative humidity: < 75%
1.DC Voltage
2000 mV 1 mV
20 V 10 mV
200 V 100 mV
450 V 1 V
Input resistance: 1 M
Max. input: 450 V DC
Operating procedure:
A. Put the function switch into the position.
B. Select the correct measuring range. In case of doubt,
select the maximum range. If possible, switch back to
a smaller range for a more accurate measurement.
C. Apply the test lead to the testing point.
D. Check the reading on the display.
9 V Type 6F22
Ferm 27
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.22 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je FERM MMM1005 Multimeter. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met FERM. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van FERM MMM1005 Multimeter in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Model MMM1005
Categorie Multimeters
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.22 MB

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