Handleiding Florabest IAN 296125 Barbecue

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11 GB/IE
Always wear barbecue gloves or
oven mitts. Gloves should accord
with PPE regulation (category II heat
protection, e.g. DIN EN 407).
Always use barbecue tools with long, heat
resistant handles.
Pouring flammable liquids into embers will
cause spurts of flames or explosions. Never
use lighter fluid such as petrol or spirits. Do
not add charcoal soaked in lighter fluid to the
Remain alert at all times always be aware of
what you are doing. Do not use the product
if you are unfocused or tired or under the
influence of drugs, alcohol or medications.
One moment of carelessness whilst using the
product can cause serious injuries. Do not
leave the product unattended.
Prevent fires
m WARNING! This barbecue will become
very hot, do not move it during operation.
Keep a fire extinguisher and a First Aid kit
handy to be prepared in the event of an
accident or fire.
Install the barbecue on a secure level base
prior to use.
Set the product at least 1 m from highly
flammable materials.
Fill the product with max. 1 kg of charcoal.
Only light the charcoal in an area protected
from the wind.
Ensure the charcoal has completely burnt out
and cooled down before removing the ashes.
Do not install the product in caravans or on
Avoid the danger of
damage to property
The screw joints can gradually loosen from
use and affect the stability of the product.
Verify the screws are tight before every use.
If necessary, tighten all screws to ensure
Do not use force when assembling the
Do not overtighten the screws.
Do not sit or stand on the product.
Do not use the product if parts are missing,
damaged or worn.
Do not use the barbecue in a confined and/or
habitable space e.g. houses, tents, caravans,
motor homes, boats. Danger of carbon
monoxide poisoning fatality.
Assembly (see Fig. A - K)
m CAUTION! The screw heads must always
face outwards to guarantee your safety, as
otherwise there is a risk of injury.
Note: Tighten all screws securely after assembly
to prevent undesirable material stresses. When
doing so, secure the nuts using the appropriate
Note: Wash the grill rack
with warm
dishwater before prior to first use.
Note: We recommend heating the grill up prior
to first use and allowing the fuel to burn out for at
least 30 minutes.
Note: Only place food on the grill when the fuel
is covered by a layer of ash!
Place the grill on a sturdy, level surface prior to
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Florabest IAN 296125 Barbecue. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Florabest. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Florabest IAN 296125 Barbecue in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Florabest
Model IAN 296125
Categorie Barbecues
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.43 MB

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Wat is het verschil tussen houtskool en briquetten? Geverifieerd

Briquetten bestaan uit de resten van de houtskoolproductie, waardoor de eigenschappen anders zijn. Houtskool brand sneller en bereikt een hogere temperatuur. Briquetten daarentegen, branden langer en hebben een meer constante temperatuur.

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Handleiding Florabest IAN 296125 Barbecue

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