Handleiding Gardena AccuJet 18-Li Bladblazer

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3. Assembly
Fitting the blower tube:
WARNING: Stop the unit and remove battery
before attempting to install or remove the
blower tube. The motor must be stopped and the
impeller blades no longer turning to avoid serious
injury from the rotating blades.
1. Align the grooves on the blower tube
with the grooves on the
blower outlet
2. Push the blower tube onto the blower outlet until it snaps into
place; tube is secured to blower by tube release button
3. To remove the blower tube, press the tube release button
while pulling on tube.
4. Initial Operation
Charging the battery:
WARNING: Overvoltage damages batteries
and the battery charger.
Ensure the correct mains voltage.
Before using for the first time, the battery must be fully charged.
Charging time (for uncharged battery) see 9. Technical Data.
When charging the battery, only use the GARDENA charger,
art. no. 8840-00.630.00, included with your unit.
The lithium-ion battery can be charged in any state of charge,
and the charging process can be interrupted at any time without
harming the battery (no memory effect).
So that the fully charged battery is not discharged, the battery
should be disconnected from the battery charger.
1. Press the locking buttons
in and remove the battery
from the handle
2. Plug the plug of the charger cable
into the battery
3. Plug battery charger
into a mains socket.
Charging indicator lamp lights up red:
The battery is being charged.
Charging indicator lamp lights up green:
The battery is fully charged.
(For charging time, see 9. Technical Data)
4. First disconnect the plug of the charging cable from the battery
and then unplug the battery charger from the mains socket.
5. Push the battery from bottom onto the handle.
Avoid exhaustive discharge:
Do not wait until the blower comes to an absolute stop
(battery totally discharged) as this shortens the battery life.
If the output of the blower decreases noticeably, charge the
If the battery has been totally discharged, the LED will flash
at the start of charging. If the LED is still flashing after an hour,
a fault has occurred (see 8. Troubleshooting).
5. Operation
WARNING: Do not use the unit without the tube properly attached to avoid
flying debris and/or impeller contact which can cause serious injury.
Always wear gloves and use eye protection to prevent rocks or debris from being
blown or ricocheting into the eyes and face which can result in blindness or serious
Starting the blower:
Switching the blower on:
1. Push the battery onto the handle
(see 4. Initial Operation).
2. Move the ON/OFF switch
to the ON (I) position.
Switching the blower off:
1. Move the ON/OFF switch
to the OFF (0) position.
2. Remove the battery from the handle
(see 4. Initial Operation).
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.87 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Gardena
Model AccuJet 18-Li
Categorie Bladblazers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.87 MB

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Kunnen Gardena producten tegen vorst? Geverifieerd

Producten van Gardena van 2015 of later zijn voorzien van technologie die beschermt tegen de vrieskou. Oudere producten kunnen door grote temperatuurschommelingen te maken krijgen met een verminderde levensduur. Voor waterproducten wordt aangeraden deze op een vorstvrije plek op te slaan.

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Handleiding Gardena AccuJet 18-Li Bladblazer

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