Handleiding Gardena AccuJet 18-Li Bladblazer

Handleiding voor je Gardena AccuJet 18-Li Bladblazer nodig? Hieronder kun je de handleiding gratis bekijken en downloaden als PDF in het Nederlands en/of Engels. Dit product heeft 1 veelgestelde vraag, 0 comments en heeft 0 stemmen. Is dit niet de handleiding die je zoekt, neem dan contact met ons op.

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8. Troubleshooting
WARNING: Always stop unit and remove the battery before performing all
of the recommended remedies below except remedies that require unit to be
operating (see 4. Initial Operation).
The motor must be stopped and the impeller blades no longer turning to avoid
serious injury from the rotating blades.
Problem Possible cause Remedy
Unit fails to operate. 1. Switch in the OFF (0) position. 1. Slide switch to
ON (I) position.
2. Battery needs to be charged. 2. Recharge battery.
3. Mechanical failure. 3. Contact your authorized
service dealer.
Unit vibrates abnormally. 1. Mechanical failure. 1. Contact your authorized
service dealer.
Impeller will not
turn freely.
1. Debris in air intake area. 1. Clean unit. Remove any
2. Mechanical failure. 2. Contact your authorized
service dealer.
Charging indicator lamp
does not light up.
1. Battery not plugged in
1. Plug in battery charger and
charging cable properly.
Charging indicator flashes
for more than 1 hour.
1. A fault has occurred. 1. Unplug and reinsert charging
cable. The fault will be reset.
The battery can no longer
be charged.
1. Battery is defective. 1. Replace the battery.
For any other malfunctions, please contact the GARDENA
service department. Repairs must be carried out by GARDENA
service departments or specialist dealers authorised by
9. Technical data
Battery model Art. No. 8839-20
Battery capacity 1 Li-ion battery, 1.6 Ah with 3.6 V
Battery charging time Approx. 3.5 hrs. 90 % / up to 5 hours 100 %
Battery charger
Mains voltage 100 – 240 V AC / 50/60 Hz
Rated output current 600 mA ± 10 %
Max. output voltage 20.5 V ± 0.4 V
Operating time (fully charged) Up to 15 minutes
Blow speed Max. 190 km/h
Weight with battery Max. 1.8 kg
Sound pressure level 83 dB(A), KpA: 3,0 dB(A)
Sound power level L
Measured 94 dB(A) / guaranteed 96 dB(A)
Hand/arm vibration a
2.5 ms
, K: 1.5 ms
10. Service / warranty
Warranty: GARDENA guarantees this product for 2 years (from date of
purchase). This guarantee covers all serious defects of the unit
that can be proved to be material or manufacturing faults.
Under warranty we will either replace the unit or repair it free of
charge if the following conditions apply:
The unit must have been handled properly and in keeping with
the requirements of the operating instructions.
Neither the purchaser or a non-authorised third party have
attempted to repair the unit.
The blower tube is a wearing parts and are not covered by the
This manufacturer’s guarantee does not affect the user’s existing
warranty claims against the dealer / seller.
If you have any problems with this product, please contact
our Service or return the defective unit together with a short
description of the problem – in case of guarantee, with a copy
of the receipt – postage paid to one of the GARDENA Service
Centres listed on the back of this leaflet.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.87 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Gardena
Model AccuJet 18-Li
Categorie Bladblazers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.87 MB

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Kunnen Gardena producten tegen vorst? Geverifieerd

Producten van Gardena van 2015 of later zijn voorzien van technologie die beschermt tegen de vrieskou. Oudere producten kunnen door grote temperatuurschommelingen te maken krijgen met een verminderde levensduur. Voor waterproducten wordt aangeraden deze op een vorstvrije plek op te slaan.

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Handleiding Gardena AccuJet 18-Li Bladblazer

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