Handleiding Hamax Observer Fietszitje

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Hamax ID: HAM604810
User manual Caress Observer
User ManualImportant!
Ø = 20–28mm
Hamax AS
Visiting address:
Vålerveien 159
N-1599 Moss
Tel.: +47 69 23 38 38
Congratulations on purchasing the Hamax Observer bicycle child seat.
You now have a comfortable and safe child seat that can be adjusted to fit
your child as she/he grows.
Please read the instructions carefully before assembling or using the child seat.
Keep these instructions in a safe place as they will be useful if you later
buy extra equipment for your child seat.
• The Observer can only be mounted on bicycles
with a handlebar stem from 20 to 28 mm. in
On some bicycles the height and angle of the
handlebars needs to be adjusted or the
handlebar or steering column replaced before
the seat can fitted securely. See the
guidelines in the mounting instructions.
• The seat should only be mounted on a bicycle
which is suitable for this kind of load. Please
ask your bicycle supplier for detailed advice.
• The mounting bracket bolts must be tightened
hard enough to fix the seat securely and
prevent it from sliding. Make it a rule to check
this before starting a trip with the bike.
For optimal comfort and safety of the child,
ensure that the seat does not slope forwards,
so that the child does not tend to slide out of it.
Hamax recommend that the backrest should
slope backwards slightly.
Please check and make sure that all parts of
the bike function correctly with the seat
• To take a child on a bicycle, the rider must
normally be over 16 years. Check your
national laws and regulations.
• The child seat is approved for children up to a
maximum of 15 kg (33 lb) (about 3 years old).
Ensure that you re-check from time to time
that the child’s weight and size do not exceed
the maximum capacity of the seat.
Do not carry a child that is too young to sit
safely in the seat. Carry only children that are
able to sit unaided for a longer period of time,
at least as long as the intended bicycle
journey. Please observe the recommended
minimum age. If you are uncertain, or the child
is under one year of age, please consult a
Ensure that it is not possible for any part of the
child’s body or clothing to come into contact
with any moving part of the seat or cycle.
Check there are no sharp objects, such as split
wires, on the bicycle that can harm the child.
Always use the safety belt/restraint system,
ensuring the child is restrained in the seat.
Ensure that the restraint system is not loose
or able to become trapped in any moving
parts particularly the wheels, including when
the cycle is ridden without a child in the seat.
Always use the footrest straps
A child sitting in a child seat should be dressed
more warmly than the rider.
• The child should be protected against rain
with suitable waterproof garments.
Remember to put the child’s helmet on before
starting your bicycle trip.
Remember that the child seat can get very hot
standing out in the sunshine, so check the
child seat before placing your child in it.
When transporting the bicycle by car (outside
the car) remove the seat. Air turbulence might
damage the seat or loosen its fastenings to
the cycle, which could result in an accident.
Always make sure that child’s clothing or body
parts do not come into contact with any
moving parts of the cycle. This must be re-
checked continuously as the child grows.
Moving parts that must be checked include
wheels and brake wires.
Ensure that the movability of the handlebar is
not reduced after mounting the seat.
Should the steering angle to each side be
reduced to less than 45° after mounting the
seat, then the handlebar must be changed.
Warning: Do not attach extra luggage or
equipment to the child seat, as this could lead
to the total load exceeding 15 kg (33 lb). We
recommend that extra luggage is attached at
the back of the bicycle.
Warning: Do not modify the child seat. This will
automatically invalidate the guarantee and the
manufacturer’s product liability will lapse.
Warning: Be aware that the load of a child in
the child seat may alter the bicycle’s stability
and handling characteristics, particularly
when steering and braking.
Warning: Never leave the bicycle parked with
a child in the seat unattended.
Warning: Do not use the seat if any parts are
Warning: The turning radius will be always be
limited when using a front seat. Be aware of
this when you set off.
Warning: The Observer is not suitable for use
on a moped or motorcycle.
Warning: Never leave the child in a carrier
with the bicycle supported only by a
Warning: Never ride in inclement or hazardous
Warning: Never ride the bicycle at night
without adequate lighting.
Warning: Front mounted seats reduce the
steerability of the bicycle
When cleaning the seat, use only lukewarm
soapy water.
If the child seat is involved in an accident or
are damaged, contact your dealer to check
that it can still be used. Damaged parts must
always be replaced. Contact your dealer if
you are not sure how to fit the new parts.
Tip! With an extra bracket you can easily move
one seat between two bicycles.
We wish you and your child many enjoyable
bicycle trips with your Hamax child seat!
Best regards from us at Hamax.
Caress Observer
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 4.64 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Hamax Observer Fietszitje. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Hamax. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Hamax Observer Fietszitje in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Hamax
Model Observer
Categorie Fietszitjes
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.64 MB

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For welke leeftijden zijn de Hamax fietszitjes ontworpen? Geverifieerd

Hamax fietszitjes zijn bedoeld voor kinderen vanaf 9 maanden tot kinderen van maximaal 22 kilogram.

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Handleiding Hamax Observer Fietszitje

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