Handleiding HDR Photomatix Pro 4.1

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Photomatix Pro User Guide 8
Noise Reduction Options
The Reduce noise option processes source photos with high-quality noise reduction and is recommended
when processing RAW les directly in Photomatix.
• Strength: Increases or decreases the strength of the noise reduction relative to the automatically
determined value based on the noise level in the image. Values range from 50% to 150%.
Reduce Chromatic Aberrations
The Reduce Chromatic Aberrations option automatically corrects color fringing due to chromatic
aberrations of the lens. Checking this option is recommended, given that chromatic aberrations tend to show
around high contrast edges, and are particularly an issue for HDR images.
2.1.3 Using the Selective Deghosting Tool
The Selective Deghosting Tool lets you select the portions of the image that require processing for
removing ghosting due to the movement of the subject. Photomatix Pro uses the image that it deems the
best exposed for the selected area as the default image for deghosting. You may change the image to one of
your choice using the tool.
Select With selective deghosting tool from the Remove ghosts preprocessing options to access the
Selective Deghosting tool. To use the Selective Deghosting tool, click and drag the mouse to draw a line
around the region that requires deghosting. Ensure the selection is a fully closed loop with a dashed line.
Selective Deghosting tool
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Merk HDR
Model Photomatix Pro 4.1
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 3.87 MB

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