Handleiding HDR Photomatix Pro 6.2

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Photomatix Pro 6 User Manual • Version 6.2 5
6. Aim the camera at the brightest area of the scene and adjust the shutter speed until your camera
indicates a correct exposure. This will be the shutter speed for your most underexposed photo.
7. [Optional]: To check the shutter speeds you just measured, it is a good idea to take a photo for each
meter reading and look at the camera’s histogram. If the histogram graph touches the left side, this
indicates that there is lost shadow information. If the graph touches the right side, this indicates burned
out highlights.
8. Using this HDR Exposure Calculator enter the shutter speeds you measured in Steps 5 and 6.
9. Switch the camera to Manual mode and Set the Shutter Speed determined by the HDR Exposure
Calculator for the rst bracketed set.
10. Select the Continuous Shooting mode on the camera and release the shutter to take the rst set of
bracketed photos.
11. Take the other photos or bracketed photos determined by the HDR Exposure Calculator, if any.
Note that you will need to use a tripod if you cannot cover the range with just one bracketed set.
1.3 Using Film-Based Cameras
Follow the camera setup listed at the top of Section 1�1 and the tips on selecting exposures in Sections
1�2 and 1�2�1. Keep in mind that you will not have the option of previewing the live histogram to
determine your exposure range.
Scan lm or slides, not prints. Photo labs attempt to make the best print from each of your source images,
and you will not achieve good results scanning these for HDR generation.
Turn o your scanner’s auto-exposure options. This allows you to manually control the exposure.
Make sure you select the Align images option in Photomatix Pro when combining your images.
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je HDR Photomatix Pro 6.2. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met HDR. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van HDR Photomatix Pro 6.2 in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk HDR
Model Photomatix Pro 6.2
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 4.47 MB

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Handleiding HDR Photomatix Pro 6.2

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