Handleiding Hitachi NV 65AN Spijkerpistool

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SAFETY — Continued
When using tools, basic precautions should always be followed, Including the following:
1. Work area
(1) Keep the work area clean and well lighted.
Cluttered benches and dark areas increase the risks
of electric shock, re, and injury to persons.
(2) Do not operate the Nailer in explosive
atmospheres, such as in the presence of
ammable liquids, gases, or combustible dust.
The Nailer is able to create sparks resulting in the
ignition of the dust or fumes.
(3) Keep bystanders, children, and visitors away
while operating the Nailer. Distractions are able to
result in the loss of control of the Nailer.
2. Personal safety
(1) Stay alert. Focus on your work and use common
sense when working with the Nailer. Do not use
the Nailer while tired, after having consumed
drugs or alcohol, or while under the in uence of
A moment of inattention while operating the Nailer
increases the risk of injury to persons.
(2) Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewelry. Contain long hair. Keep hair, clothing,
and gloves away from moving parts.
Loose clothes, jewelry, or long hair increases the
risk of injury to persons as a result of being caught in
moving parts.
(3) Avoid unintentional starting. Be sure the switch
is o before connecting to the air supply. Do
not carry the Nailer with your nger on the switch or
connect the Nailer to the air supply with the switch on.
– Disconnect the Nailer from
the air source before making adjustments, doing
Nailer maintenance, clearing jams, touching
the Push Lever, when not in use, leaving work
area, leaving the Nailer outside of the operator's
supervision or control, loading, or unloading the
Nailer, handing it to another person, elevating,
lowering or otherwise moving the Nailer to a new
location. Never attempt to clear a jam or repair the
Nailer unless you have disconnected air hose from
the Nailer and removed all remaining fasteners from
the Nailer. The Nailer should never be left unattended
since people who are not familiar with the Nailer
might handle it and injure the themselves.
Such precautionary measures reduce the risk of
injury to persons.
(5) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at all times. Proper footing and balance
enables better control of the Nailer in unexpected
(6) Use safety equipment. A dust mask, non-skid
safety shoes and a hard hat must be used for the
applicable conditions.
– Risk of hearing loss. Wear
hearing protection.
Hearing protection shall have a Noise Reduction
Rating (NRR) determined in accordance with US
Environmental Protection Agency rules that is
appropriate for noise exposure.
(8) Always wear head protection.
Always wear head protection to protect your
head from ying objects.
(9) Do not attach the hose or Nailer to your body.
Attach the hose to the structure to reduce the risk of
loss of balance if the hose shifts.
– Drive Nails into proper work
surface only. Do not drive nail into other nails. This
is able to cause the fastener to be de ected and hit
someone, or cause the Nailer to react and result in a
risk of injury to persons.
3. Nailer use and care
(1) Use clamps or another practical way to secure
and support the workpiece to a stable platform.
Holding the work by hand or against the body is
unstable and is able to lead to loss of control.
(2) Do not force the Nailer. Use the correct Nailer for
the application. The correct Nailer will do the job
better and safer at the rate for which the Nailer is
(3) Do not use the Nailer if the switch does not
turn the Nailer on or o . Any Nailer that cannot be
controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be
Never use Nailer which is defective or operating
abnormally. If the Nailer appears to be operating
unusually, making strange noises, or otherwise
appears defective, stop using it immediately and
arrange for repairs by a Hitachi authorized service
000BookNV65ANUS.indb5000BookNV65ANUS.indb5 2018/03/0911:46:552018/03/0911:46:55
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Merk Hitachi
Model NV 65AN
Categorie Spijkerpistolen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 5.36 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen, ook als het daar soms vriest. Voor de levensduur van het elektrisch gereedschap is het echter beter om het op een droge plaats zonder grote temperatuurschommelingen op te slaan. In een schuur of garage kunnen door temperatuurverschillen condensvorming ontstaan ​​waardoor roest kan ontstaan. Bovendien gaan gereedschappen die op batterijen werken korter mee en laden ze minder goed op bij zeer lage temperaturen. Om er zeker van te zijn hoe uw elektrisch gereedschap moet worden opgeborgen, leest u altijd aandachtig de gebruikershandleiding.

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Handleiding Hitachi NV 65AN Spijkerpistool

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