Handleiding Hyundai HYCP6570 Trilstamper

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1.46 All trailing cables should be routed so as not to cause any kind of trip hazard.
1.47 NEVER work on or near electricity with wet hands, wet clothing and wet gloves.
1.50 Batteries (where present).
1.51 Batteries present a risk if they become damaged by the possible leaking of
electrolyte. This electrolyte is an acid and can cause serious burn injuries. Care
should be taken when working on or near them. NOTE the electrolyte may be in
a liquid or gel form.
1.52 Should you come in to contact with electrolyte you should;
1.53 Remove all clothing contaminated with electrolyte. If you cannot remove then
saturate them in water.
1.54 Get medical assistance as soon as possible. You must advise the medical staff of
the type of acid.
1.55 Lead/acid battery = dilute sulphuric acid.
1.56 Nickel/cadmium = potassium hydroxide alkali electrolyte.
1.57 Use fresh running water to wash off excess electrolyte, continue this until medical
assistance arrives. Make sure that you do not was the electrolyte to another part of
your body or face.
1.58 If electrolyte comes in to contact with Eyes the electrolyte needs to be immediately
washed away with large amounts of water. Make sure that you do not wash the
electrolyte to another part of your face or body.
1.59 Gasses from charging batteries are highly flammable and great care should be taken
to charge in well ventilated areas.
1.59.1 There is an explosion risk if the battery terminals are short circuited, when
connecting/disconnecting ALWAYS exercise great care so that the terminals or
battery leads are NOT allowed to touch and cause a spark. ALWAYS use suitable
insulated tools.
1.60 Vibrations (where applicable).
1.61 Prolonged use of hand held (operated) machines will cause the user to feel the
effects of/from vibrations. These vibrations can lead to white finger (Raynaud’s
phenomenon) or carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition reduces the ability of the
hand to feel and regulate temperature, causing numbness and heat sensations and
may cause never damage and circulatory tissue death.
1.62 Not all factors that lead to white finger disease are known, but cold weather, smoking
and other diseases that affect blood vessels and blood circulation as well as large
and long-lasting impact of shocks are considered factors in the formation of white
finger. Note the following to reduce the risk of white finger and carpal tunnel
1.63 Wear gloves and keep your hands warm.
1.64 Take regular breaks.
1.65 All of the above precautions may help reduce the risk of white finger disease but not
rule out the carpal tunnel syndrome. Long-term and regular users are therefore
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Merk Hyundai
Model HYCP6570
Categorie Trilstampers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.56 MB

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Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Moet ik gehoorbescherming dragen bij het gebruik van een trilstamper? Geverifieerd

Dat is wel verstandig. Hoewel de hoeveelheid lawaai die een trilstamper produceert verschilt per merk en model, kan langdurige blootstelling aan lawaai voor blijvende gehoorschade zorgen. Het is daarom goed om altijd gehoorbescherming te dragen.

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Handleiding Hyundai HYCP6570 Trilstamper

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