Handleiding Indesit THP 641 W/IX/I Kookplaat

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In the event of problems, contact the dealer or your
nearest After-sales Service. Once installed, packaging
waste (plastic, styrofoam parts etc.) must be stored
out of reach of children - risk of suocation. The
appliance must be disconnected from the power
supply before any installation operation - risk of
electrical shock. During installation, make sure the
appliance does not damage the power cable - risk of
re or electrical shock. Only activate the appliance
when the installation has been completed.
The electrical and gas connections must comply
with local regulation.
WARNING: Modication of the appliance and its
method of installation are essential in order to use
the appliance safely and correctly in all the additional
Use pressure regulators suitable for the gas
pressure indicated in the instruction.
The room must be equipped with an air extraction
system that expels any combustion fumes.
The room must also allow proper air circulation,
as air is needed for combustion to occur normally.
The ow of air must not be less than 2 m
/h per kW
of installed power.
The air circulation system may take air directly
from the outside by means of a pipe with an inner
cross section of at least 100 cm
; the opening must
not be vulnerable to any type of blockages.
The system can also provide the air needed for
combustion indirectly, i.e. from adjacent rooms
tted with air circulation tubes as described above.
However, these rooms must not be communal
rooms, bedrooms or rooms that may present a re
Liquid petroleum gas sinks to the oor as it is
heavier than air. Therefore, rooms containing LPG
cylinders must also be equipped with vents to allow
gas to escape in the event of a leak. As a result LPG
cylinders, whether partially or completely full, must
not be installed or stored in rooms or storage areas
that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). It is
advisable to keep only the cylinder being used in
the room, positioned so that it is not subject to heat
produced by external sources (ovens, replaces,
stoves, etc. ) which could raise the temperature of
the cylinder above 50°C.
Carry out all cabinet cutting works before tting
the appliance in the furniture and remove all wood
chips and sawdust.
If the appliance is Not installed above an oven, a
separator panel (not included) must be installed in
the compartment under the appliance.
Should you experience diculty in turning the burners knobs, please
contact After Sales Service for replacement of the burner tap if found to be
The openings used for the ventilation and dispersion of heat must never
be covered.
WARNING: Prior to installation, ensure that the local
distribution conditions (nature of gas and gas pressure)
and the adjustment of the appliance are compatible.
Check that the pressure of the gas supply is
consistent with the values indicated in Table 1
(“Burner and nozzle specications”).
WARNING: The adjustment conditions for this
appliance are stated on the label (or data plate).
WARNING: This appliance is not connected to a
combustion products evacuation device. It shall be
installed and connected in accordance with current
installation regulations. Particular attention shall be
given to the relevant requirements regarding
If the appliances is connected to liquid gas, the
regulation screw must be fasted as tightly as possible.
IMPORTANT: When gas cylinder is adopted, the
gas cylinder or gas container must be properly
settled (vertical orientation).
WARNING: This operation must be performed by
a qualied technician
Use only exible or rigid metal hose for gas
Connection with a rigid pipe (copper or steel)
Connection to the gas system must be carried out in
such a way as not to place any strain of any kind on
the appliance. There is an adjustable L-shaped pipe
tting on the appliance supply ramp and this is
tted with a seal in order to prevent leaks. The seal
must always be replaced after rotating the pipe
tting (the seal is provided with the appliance). The
gas supply pipe tting is a threaded 1/2 gas
cylindrical male attachment.
Connecting a exible jointless stainless steel pipe
to a threaded attachment. The gas supply pipe tting
is a threaded 1/2 gas cylindrical male attachment.
These pipes must be installed so that they are never
longer than 2000 mm when fully extended. Once
connection has been carried out, make sure that the
exible metal pipe does not touch any moving parts
and is not compressed. Only use pipes and seals that
comply with current National regulations.
IMPORTANT: If a stainless steel hose is used, it
must be installed so as not touch any mobile part of
the furniture (e.g. drawer). It must pass through an
area where there are no obstructions and where it is
possible to inspect it on all its length.
The appliance should be connected to the main
gas supply or to gas cylinder in compliance with the
current National regulations. Before carry out the
connection, make sure that the appliance is compatible
with the gas supply you wish to use. If this is not the
case, follow the instructions indicated in the paragraph
Adapting to dierent types of gas”.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.42 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Indesit
Model THP 641 W/IX/I
Categorie Kookplaten
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.42 MB

Alle handleidingen voor Indesit Kookplaten
Meer handleidingen voor Kookplaten

Veelgestelde vragen over Indesit THP 641 W/IX/I Kookplaat

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Welke pannen kan ik gebruiken op een inductie kookplaat? Geverifieerd

In de regel zijn alle pannen die magnetisch zijn te gebruiken op een inductie kookplaat. Bijna alle nieuwe pannen zijn geschikt voor inductie.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1387) Lees meer

Mijn kookplaat heeft een stekker die niet in een normaal stopcontact past, wat moet ik doen? Geverifieerd

Veel elektrische kookplaten (zowel keramisch and inductie) hebben een andere stekker. Dit is omdat deze apparaten veel vermogen hebben. Laat de installatie van het apparaat over aan aan professional.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1314) Lees meer

Waarom maakt de vonkontsteking van mijn fornuis constant een klikkend geluid? Geverifieerd

Als het fornuis met veel water is gereinigd kunnen de knoppen vochtig geworden zijn, waardoor deze in werking kunnen treden. Laat de knoppen drogen. Als het probleem hierdoor niet is opgelost, neem dan contact op met de fabrikant.

Ik vind dit nuttig (1126) Lees meer
Handleiding Indesit THP 641 W/IX/I Kookplaat

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