Handleiding Könner & Söhnen KS 6000iE S Generator

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The generator produces electricity that may lead to an electric shock while neglecting compliance regu-
lations. Könner & Söhnen generators were initially designed as an IT system with basic protection by in-
sulation of hazardous live parts according to DIN VDE 0100-410. The generator housing is insulated from
the current-carrying L and N conductors. The generator must be grounded in all cases, except for an IT
system with an insulated neutral wire and bonding. A grounded IT system requires the use of an insulation
monitoring device. Further details regarding the use of the generator in IT and TN systems can be found on
our website or requested from our technical support. Wires with damaged or spoiled insulation should be
replaced. You should also replace worn, damaged or rusty contacts.
The generator and power consumers form a closed system, with elements aecting each other. This system
is physically dierent from the public network since it is signicantly aected by factors such as unbalanced
phase load and non-linear current consumption by power consumers that can cause damage to the gener-
ator and power consumers connected to it.
The device generates electricity. Follow safety precautions
to avoid electric shock.
The generator must not be paralleled with other pow-
er sources. The generator must not be used in parallel
with on-grid inverters, even if allowed in the operating
instructions for the inverter.
Using device for other purposes deprives the right for
free warranty.
It is forbidden to connect to the generator devices which
can generate current pulses and direct energy towards
the generator (voltage stabilizers, devices with electronic
brakes, on-grid and hybrid inverters, etc.).
The generator should be used as an IT or TN system
based on the application. Earthing and additional pro-
tective measures such as insulation monitoring or pro-
tection against accidental contact (residual current de-
vice) must be provided based on the application and the
system used.
Do not start the generator operation upon presence of electric load! Disconnect the load before you stop
the engine. Only unleaded gasoline is recommended for the generator. It is forbidden to use
kerosene or other fuel types. Before running the generator, it is necessary to dene the place and means of
its emergency stop. Do not refuel the running generator.
Fuel contaminates the land and groundwater. Do not
allow the leaking gasoline from the tank!
Be careful. Do not operate the generator, if you are tired,
under the inuence of drugs or alcohol. Inattention may
cause a serious injury.
konner-sohnen.com | 2
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Merk Konner & Sohnen
Model KS 6000iE S
Categorie Generatoren
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.4 MB

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