Handleiding LG FA163 Stereoset

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About Player
To change the functions
Change the functions among FM, AM, CD, USB,
CD slot loader
Turn on or off
for longer than 3 seconds as the device
is powered on, you can move into Power save
Display window
VSM (Virtual Sound Matrix)
You can select the Virtual sound.
Press DEMO in power off state to demonstrate
the function on display window. Press again to
For setting the clock and checking the time.
(see Setting the Clock)
With the TIMER function you can turn CD play
and radio reception on or off at a desired time.
(see Use your player as an alarm clock)
Confirms the time you have selected when
setting the clock. (see Setting the clock)
USB connector
Connect a remote USB compatible player here.
USB Rec.
Record FM, AM, Audio CD or PORTABLE source
to USB.
eXtreme Dynamic Sound System
Reinforce the treble, bass and surround sound
effect. XDSS ON will show in the display. Press
again for NORMAL.
Optimizes compressible MP3 files so that it
improves the bass sound.
You can use it when inserting or removing CDs.
iPod Docking connector
Starts or pauses playback
Improve poor FM reception
This will change the tuner from stereo to mono
and usually improve the reception.
Select the radio station
(see Listening to the radio)
Search for a section within a track
(see Listening to the CDs)
Stops playback or recording
Control the volume when using any function.
PHONES (Headphone jack)
Connect a headphone plug ( 3,5 mm) into the jack
to listen to the sound through headphones.
The player can be used to play the music from
many types of portable player.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.14 MB)
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je LG FA163 Stereoset. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met LG. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van LG FA163 Stereoset in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk LG
Model FA163
Categorie Stereosets
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.14 MB

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Handleiding LG FA163 Stereoset

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