Handleiding Makita 5007MG Cirkelzaag

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2. Check lower guard for proper closing before
each use. Do not operate saw if lower guard
does not move freely and close instantly. Never
clamp or tie the lower guard into the open posi-
tion. If saw is accidentally dropped, lower guard may
be bent. Raise the lower guard with the Retracting
Lever and make sure it moves freely and does not
touch the blade or any other part, in all angles and
depths of cut.
To check lower guard, open lower guard by hand,
then release and watch guard closure. Also check to
see that Retracting Lever does not touch tool hous-
ing. Leaving blade exposed is VERY DANGEROUS
and can lead to serious personal injury.
3. Check the operation and condition of the lower
guard spring. If the guard and the spring are not
operating properly, they must be serviced before
use. Lower guard may operate sluggishly due to
damaged parts, gummy deposits, or a buildup of
4. Lower guard should be retracted manually only
for special cuts such as Pocket Cuts and
Compound Cuts. Raise lower guard by Retract-
ing Lever. As soon as blade enters the material,
lower guard must be released. For all other saw-
ing, the lower guard should operate automatically.
5. Always observe that the lower guard is covering
the blade before placing saw down on bench or
floor. An unprotected, coasting blade will cause the
saw to walk backwards, cutting whatever is in its
path. Be aware of the time it takes for the blade to
stop after switch is released.
6. NEVER hold piece being cut in your hands or
across your leg. It is important to support the work
properly to minimize body exposure, blade binding,
or loss of control.
7. Hold tool by insulated gripping surfaces when
performing an operation where the cutting tool
may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Con-
tact with a live wire will make exposed metal parts
of the tool live and shock the operator.
8. When ripping always use a rip fence or straight
edge guide. This improves the accuracy of cut and
reduces the chance for blade binding.
9. Always use blades with correct size and shape
(diamond versus round) of arbour holes. Blades
that do not match the mounting hardware of the saw
will run eccentrically, causing loss of control.
10. Never use damaged or incorrect blade washers
or bolts. The blade washers and bolt were specially
designed for your saw, for optimum performance and
safety of operation.
11. Causes and Operator Prevention of Kickback:
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched, bound
or misaligned saw blade, causing an uncontrolled
saw to lift up and out of the workpiece toward the
When the blade is pinched or bound tightly by the
kerf closing down, the blade stalls and the motor
reaction drives the unit rapidly back toward the oper-
If the blade becomes twisted or misaligned in the
cut, the teeth at the back edge of the blade can dig
into the top surface of the wood causing the blade to
climb out of the kerf and jump back toward operator.
Kickback is the result of tool misuse and/or incorrect
operating procedures or conditions and can be
avoided by taking proper precautions as given
Maintain a firm grip with both hands on the saw
and position your body and arm to allow you to
resist KICKBACK forces. KICKBACK forces can be
controlled by the operator, if proper precautions are
When blade is binding, or when interrupting a
cut for any reason, release the trigger and hold
the saw motionless in the material until the blade
comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to
remove the saw from the work or pull the saw
backward while the blade is in motion or KICK-
BACK may occur. Investigate and take corrective
actions to eliminate the cause of blade binding.
When restarting a saw in the workpiece, center
the saw blade in the kerf and check that saw
teeth are not engaged into the material. If saw
blade is binding, it may walk up or KICKBACK from
the workpiece as the saw is restarted.
Support large panels to minimize the risk of
blade pinching and KICKBACK. Large panels tend
to sag under their own weight. Supports must be
placed under the panel on both sides, near the line
of cut and near the edge of the panel as shown in
Fig. 1.
To minimize the risk of blade pinching and kickback.
When cutting operation requires the resting of the
saw on the workpiece, the saw should be rested on
the larger portion and the smaller piece cut off.
Fig. 1 To avoid kickback, do support board or panel near
the cut.
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Merk Makita
Model 5007MG
Categorie Cirkelzagen
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.06 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Makita 5007MG Cirkelzaag

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Hoeveel millimeter moet de zaag onder het te zagen materiaal uitsteken? Geverifieerd

Het is verstandig om 3mm of meer aan te houden. Wanneer dit minder is kan het materiaal afbrokkelen en leiden tot een lelijk resultaat.

Ik vind dit nuttig (95) Lees meer

Moet ik gehoorbescherming dragen bij het gebruik van een cirkelaag? Geverifieerd

Dat is wel verstandig. Hoewel de hoeveelheid lawaai die een cirkelzaag produceert verschilt per merk en model, kan langdurige blootstelling aan lawaai voor blijvende gehoorschade zorgen. Het is daarom goed om altijd gehoorbescherming te dragen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (43) Lees meer

Kan ik elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen? Geverifieerd

Over het algemeen kunt u elektrisch gereedschap in een schuur of garage opbergen, ook als het daar soms vriest. Voor de levensduur van het elektrisch gereedschap is het echter beter om het op een droge plaats zonder grote temperatuurschommelingen op te slaan. In een schuur of garage kunnen door temperatuurverschillen condensvorming ontstaan ​​waardoor roest kan ontstaan. Bovendien gaan gereedschappen die op batterijen werken korter mee en laden ze minder goed op bij zeer lage temperaturen. Om er zeker van te zijn hoe uw elektrisch gereedschap moet worden opgeborgen, leest u altijd aandachtig de gebruikershandleiding.

Ik vind dit nuttig (13) Lees meer
Handleiding Makita 5007MG Cirkelzaag

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