Handleiding Maxwell MX-25210 Multimeter

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User Manual
General description
Display: LCD screen with background, max reading of
Operating temperature: 0°C - 40°C
(32°F - 104°F)
Operating humidity: <80% RH
Storage temperature: -10°C - 60°C
(14°F - 122°F)
Storage humidity: <70% RH
Sampling updates: 3/mp
Measurement range selection: automatic or manual
Measurement category: Cat III 500V
Power Source: 1x 6F22 9V elem
Size: 144 x 70 x 32mm
Weight: ~200g (with battery)
Overload Protection and Overvoltage Protection
Auto Turn On/O function
Data Hold Function
safety inforMation
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, fol-
low these guidelines:
•Protect yourself against electric shock.
•Avoid any misuse or improper usage to protect
the device from any damage.
•Before measuring current, check the Meter’s ac-
cessories (fuses, probes), ensure the good wor-
king condition, to avoid any damage. Do not use
the device with damaged test leads.
•Do not use the Meter around devices with high
electricity and frequency which can generate
interference, due to avoid misuse, false measu-
rement, damage or immeasurable values on the
•Use the device only according to the guidlines
and for appropriate measurements. If you misuse
the Meter, it cannot work properly in the future.
•Do not operate the Meter around explosive gas,
vapor, or dust.
•Check the device before every usage, verify the
Meter’s operation in the selected position and en-
sure the connection of the test leads.
•If you do not know the range what you want to
measure, set up the switch to the highest measu-
ring value and go backwards until it achieves the
appropriate range.
•To avoid any damage, do not use the device for
measuring more than the rated input voltage.
•Use caution when working with voltages above
60V dc, or 30V ac. These voltages pose a shock
•When using the probes, keep the ngers behind
the nger guards.
•Before rotating the range switch to select functi-
ons, disconnect test leads from the circuit under
•To avoid possible damage to the Meter or to the
equipment under test, disconnect circuit power
and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before
testing diodes, continuity or resistance.
•Before measuring current turn OFF power to the
circuit before connecting the Meter to the circuit.
•Replace the batteries as soon as the battery indi-
cator appears on the screen.
•Disconnect test leads before opening the case or
the battery door.
•Do not use the Meter if it operates abnormally.
•If the product is not in use, remove the battery
and store the Meter in a cool, dry place, and do
not store in highly humid environment.
•To avoid re, or any damage, replace fuses only
with the specied ratings: F 200mA/250V, F
•Do not use the device if the back battery cover is
open or does not t closed and xed properly.
1. LCD display
2. POWER – turn on/o button
3. HOLD – Date Hold button
4. Function switch
5. „A jack – Input for 10A current measurements
6. Light sensor (for the backlight)
7. NCV LED –
Voltage detector function display LED
8. Backlight turn on/o button
9. „COM” – common input terminal
10. mA/V/
/Ω/ terminal, (hereafter V terminal)
HOLD button
Data hold function.To hold the present reading, press
the data hold button for a while. Press the button again
to resume normal operation.
Power button
Press the power button once to turn the device on or
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Merk Maxwell
Model MX-25210
Categorie Multimeters
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.25 MB

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Handleiding Maxwell MX-25210 Multimeter

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