Handleiding Mido M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent Horloge

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Analogue Mechanical Watches
257_EN / 03.142/3
We congratulate you on choosing a MIDO
watch, a Swiss brand
among the most highly renowned in the world. Meticulously designed,
using only the highest quality materials and components, your watch is
protected against shocks and impacts, variations in temperature, water
and dust.
To ensure that your watch operates with perfect precision for many
years to come, we recommend that you pay careful attention to the
advice provided hereafter.
This user manual applies to all MIDO
mechanical watches (hand-
wound or automatic). Please refer to the explanations relating
specifically to your watch model.
Important information
has always been one of the pioneers of waterresistant
watches. Before changing any settings, please read and follow the
instructions given below:
If you have selected a Commander Ocean Star model, you have chosen
a watch with a one-piece case (monocoque) which ensures complete
water-resistance. This concept comprises a two-section winding shaft.
As a consequence, you must carefully pull the crown into setting
positions II and III because it can be pulled out completely if too
much force is applied. If this problem arises, please contact your sales
agent who will reinstall the crown for you and check over the water-
If you have selected a model with the Aquadura system, you have
chosen a unique system capable of assuring complete water-resistance
thanks to a gasket made of cork which fully encircles the crown shaft.
Before pulling out the crown, rotate it by two or three turns.
Models with screwed crown
To ensure even better water resistance, certain models are fitted with a
screwed crown. Before setting the time, winding or setting the date* or
day*, you must first unscrew the crown into position IB.
Important: After every operation, the crown must be screwed
back in to maintain the water-resistance of the watch.
Hand-wound mechanical watches
Hand-wound watches must be wound regularly by hand in order to
remain in continuous operation (e.g. every morning before putting the
watch on your wrist). To do so, pull the crown into position I and turn
it forward until it locks. The power reserve of fully wound mechanical
movements varies from 36 to 80 hours, depending on the models.
Automatic mechanical watches
Your watch must be wound manually if it has stopped or not been
worn for several days, in order to ensure that your watch remains in
continuous operation during periods of low activity (e.g. during sleep).
In these cases, turn the crown through 30 revolutions forward in
position I. The automatic winding system will then ensure that the
movement is fully wound if the watch is on your wrist. It is also
possible to fully wind an automatic watch manually by means of the
winding crown. However, please note that automatic movements have
a slipping spring, which disengages the winding system (the crown
can be turned infinitely) once the movement has been fully wound.
Generally speaking, 80 revolutions of the crown are enough to fully wind
most automatic mechanical watches.
The efficiency of the automatic winding system of a mechanical
movement depends on the wrist movements of the person
wearing the watch. Do not deliberately shake your automatic
watch to wind it; this has no effect and could damage the watch.
NB: Please take account of the information above if your watch
is fitted with a screwed crown.
Setting the time
Pull the crown out to position III and turn it in either direction until the
desired time is displayed.
On certain models with a seconds hand, you can synchronize it with an
official time signal (radio/ TV/Internet). When the crown is pulled out to
position III, the seconds hand is stopped. Once the time is synchronised,
push the crown back into position I (and screw it back in on models with
a screwed crown).
Note: certain calibres do not have a “stop seconds” mechanism.
To synchronise them, you need to turn the crown backward slightly and
hold back the tension, thereby stopping the seconds hand. You then
need only release the tension when the display matches the time signal.
Rapid correction of the date* and day*
NB: Do not perform a rapid date correction between 22:00 and
Pull the crown out to position II and turn it clockwise until the desired
date is displayed, or counterclockwise to correct the day. During this
operation, your watch will keep operating, so you will not need to
adjust the time.
Technical information
Power reserve
Automatic watches draw their energy from an oscillating weight
which is activated in response to the natural movements of your wrist.
This weight keeps the watch wound. Automatic watches do not need
a battery. Depending on the model, the power reserve varies from 36
to 80 hours.
The accuracy of a mechanical watch depends on the movements
and habits of the person wearing it, and so it can vary. A MIDO
qualified watchmaker can adjust the accuracy of a watch within
the MIDO
tolerance thresholds. Most watches which are not
certified chronometers have an average accuracy tolerance of around
-10/+30 seconds per day.
A chronometer is a precision mechanical watch which has obtained
an official certificate issued by COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des
Chronomètres), after its movement has passed several accuracy tests
in various positions and at various temperatures, as well as water-
resistance tests performed in the laboratory for 15 days and 15 nights.
To be awarded the title of chronometer, the average accuracy of a
mechanical movement must be between -4/+6 seconds per day.
watches are designed to withstand a pressure of up to 3 bar
(30 m / 100 ft), 5 bar (50 m / 165 ft), 10 bar (100 m / 330 ft), 20 bar
(200 m / 660 ft) or 30 bar (300 m / 1000 ft), depending on the information
shown on the case-back.
A watch cannot be permanently guaranteed absolutely water-resistant.
It may be affected by ageing of the gaskets or by an accidental impact
on the watch. We recommend that you have your watch’s water
resistance checked once a year by an approved MIDO
service centre.
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We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Mido M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent Horloge. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Mido. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Mido M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent Horloge in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Mido
Model M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent
Categorie Horloges
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.17 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Mido M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent Horloge

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Er is een batterij in mijn apparaat gaan oxideren, kan ik het nog veilig gebruiken? Geverifieerd

Ja, het apparaat kan nog veilig gebruikt worden. Verwijder eerst de geoxideerde batterij. Doet dit niet met blote handen. Reinig daarna het batterijcompartiment met een wattenstaafje gedipt in azijn of citroensap. Laat het drogen en doe nieuwe batterijen in het apparaat.

Ik vind dit nuttig (814) Lees meer

Mijn mechanische horloge loopt te snel, wat kan ik doen? Geverifieerd

Het is mogelijk dat het horloge is beinvloed door een magnetisch veld. Dit kan worden verholpen door middel van demagnetisering door een professionele horlogemaker.

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Waar staan AM en PM voor? Geverifieerd

AM staat voor Ante Meridiem en geeft aan dat het tijdstip voor het middaguur is. PM staat voor Post Meridiem en geeft aan dat het tijdstip na het middaguur is.

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Wat is een 'Chronograph'? Geverifieerd

Een 'Chronograph' is letterlijk een 'tijdmeter'. Hier worden klokken en horloges bedoeld die de tijd weergeven en daarnaast ook de functie van een stopwatch hebben.

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Wat is GMT Geverifieerd

GMT staat voor Greenwich Mean Time (en wordt soms UTC genoemd dat staat voor Coordinated Universal Time). Het is de tijd die geldt voor lengtegraad 0 die door Greenwich, in de buurt van Londen, loopt.

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Wat is een quartz-uurwerk? Geverifieerd

Horloges en klokken met een quartz-uurwerk worden aangedreven door een batterij. Deze stuurt een stroom door quartz kristallen die hierdoor gaan trillen. Deze trillingen worden doorgegeven naar het uurwerk. Omdat deze trillingen een vaste frequentie hebben, zijn horloges en klokken met een quartz-uurwerk extreem precies.

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Handleiding Mido M005.430.37.051.80 Multifort Gent Horloge

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