Handleiding Motorola TLKR T92 H2O Walkie-talkie

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Removing the Three AA Alkaline Batteries
1. Make sure your radio is turned OFF.
2. With the back of the radio facing you, loosen the retaining
screw on the battery door and open the cover.
3. Gently remove each alkaline battery by easing each battery
out individually.
4. Close the battery cover and tighten the retaining screw on
the battery door.
Note: Exercise care when removing NiMH or AA batteries.
Do not use sharp or conductive tools to remove
either of these batteries.
Remove the batteries before storing your radio for an
extended period of time. Batteries corrode over time
and may cause permanent damage to your radio.
Radio Battery Meter
The Radio Battery icon shows the battery charge level from full
to empty . When the radio has one segment left,
the radio chirps periodically or after releasing the PPT button
(Low Battery Alert).
Battery Capacity Maintenance
1. Charge the NiMH batteries once every three months when
not in use.
2. Remove the battery from the radio after using for storage
3. Store the NiMH batteries in a temperature between -20 °C to
35 °C and in low humidity. Avoid damp conditions and
corrosive materials.
Using the Micro-USB Charger
The micro-USB charger is a handy port that allows you to
conveniently charge your NiMH battery pack.
1. Make sure your radio is turned OFF
2. Plug the micro-USB cable into the micro-USB charging port
on your radio. Connect the other end of the micro-USB
charger to wall power outlet.
3. An empty battery will be fully charged in eight hours.
4. The battery meter bar will move when the battery is
Note: It is recommended to power OFF your radio while
charging. However, if power is ON while charging,
you may not be able to transmit a message if the
battery is completely empty. Allow time for the
battery to charge to one bar before attempting to
transmit a message.
When moving between hot and cold temperatures,
do not charge the NiMH battery pack until the
temperature acclimates (usually about twenty
For optimal battery life, remove the radio from the
charger within sixteen hours. Do not store the radio
while connected to the charger.
Attaching and Removing the Belt Clip
1. Attach the belt clip to the TLKR plate at the back of the radio
until the clip clicks in place.
2. Attach the belt clip to pocket or belt strap until the clip clicks
in place.
To R emo v e
1. Push the release tab on top of the belt clip to release the
2. Pull the belt clip away from the back of the radio.
Turning your Radio On and Off
Press and hold the Power button to turn the radio ON or
1. In the ON position, the radio chirps and briefly shows all
feature icons available on the radio.
2. The display screen then shows the current channel, code
and all features that are enabled.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.35 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Motorola
Model TLKR T92 H2O
Categorie Walkie-talkies
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.35 MB

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Handleiding Motorola TLKR T92 H2O Walkie-talkie

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