Handleiding Nikon Wireless Mobile Utility App

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Wireless Mobile Utility (iOS)
User’s Manual
Install the Wireless Mobile Utility on your iOS device (iPhone,
iPad, or iPod touch) to download pictures from a camera or take
pictures remotely.
The Wireless Mobile Utility supports the following cameras. See
the section for your camera for more information on using the
Wireless Mobile Utility.
D750, D610, D600, D7200, D7100, D5500,
D5300, D5200, D3300, Df
Nikon 1 Cameras
Other COOLPIX Cameras *
* Available only with models that feature built-in Wi-Fi or sup-
port the optional wireless mobile adapter. For information on
supported COOLPIX cameras with built-in Wi-Fi, visit:
Wireless Mobile Utility (iOS) 1
D750, D610, D600, D7200, D7100, D5500, D5300,
D5200, D3300, Df 2
Features 2
Notices 3
System Requirements 3
Installing the App 4
Establishing a Wireless Connection 4
Wi-Fi Security 6
Taking Photos 10
Remote Photography 10
Downloading Photos as They Are Taken 13
Viewing Photos 15
Viewing Pictures 15
Downloading Existing Pictures 18
Sharing Pictures 23
Wireless Mobile Utility Options 25
Connection Status 25
Settings 25
Battery Warning Level 27
Help 27
Terms of Use 27
D3200, COOLPIX A 28
Features 28
Notices 29
System Requirements 29
Installing the App 30
Establishing a Wireless Connection 30
Wi-Fi Security 32
Taking Photos 36
Remote Photography 36
Downloading Photos as They Are Taken 39
Viewing Photos 41
Viewing Pictures 41
Downloading Existing Pictures 44
Sharing Pictures 48
Wireless Mobile Utility Options 50
Connection Status 50
Settings 50
Battery Warning Level 52
Help 52
Terms of Use 52
Nikon 1 Cameras 53
Features 53
Notices 54
System Requirements 54
Installing the App 55
Establishing a Wireless Connection 55
Cameras with Built-in Wireless LAN 55
Cameras Without Built-in Wireless LAN 55
Wi-Fi Security 57
Taking Photos 60
Viewing Photos 63
Viewing Pictures 63
Downloading Existing Pictures 66
Sharing Pictures 71
Wireless Mobile Utility Options 73
Connection Status 73
Settings 73
Battery Warning Level 75
Help 75
Terms of Use 75
Other COOLPIX Cameras 76
Features 76
Notices 77
System Requirements 77
Installing the App 78
Establishing a Wireless Connection 78
Wi-Fi Security 80
The Wireless Mobile Adapter 80
Cameras with Built-in Wi-Fi 83
Taking Photos 86
Remote Photography 86
Downloading Photos as They Are Taken
(Supported Cameras Only) 89
Viewing Photos 91
Viewing Pictures 91
Downloading Existing Pictures 94
Sharing Pictures 99
Wireless Mobile Utility Options 101
Connection Status 101
Settings 101
Battery Warning Level 103
Help 103
Terms of Use 103
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 2.18 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Nikon Wireless Mobile Utility App. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Nikon. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Nikon Wireless Mobile Utility App in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Nikon
Model Wireless Mobile Utility App
Categorie Software
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 2.18 MB

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Handleiding Nikon Wireless Mobile Utility App

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