Handleiding Panasonic KX-FC962FX Faxapparaat

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Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents
1. Installation and Quick Start
1.1 Included accessories..........................4
1.2 Accessory information........................5
Cordless Handset
1.3 Battery installation / replacement .......6
Connections and Setup
1.4 Connections .......................................7
1.5 Battery charge.................................... 8
1.6 Recording paper.................................9
Quick Start
1.7 Fax sending / Copying......................10
1.8 Fax receiving ....................................10
1.9 Answering machine ..........................11
2. Important Instructions
Important safety instructions
2.1 Important safety instructions ............ 12
2.2 Information on Disposal for Users of
Waste Electrical & Electronic
Equipment (private households)....... 13
2.3 For best performance .......................14
3. Preparation
Location of Controls
3.1 Location of Controls .........................15
3.2 Display descriptions of the cordless
Finding the Controls
3.3 Overview ..........................................17
3.4 Turning the cordless handset power
Volu me
3.5 Adjusting cordless handset volume.. 18
3.6 Adjusting base unit volume............... 19
Initial Programming
3.7 Dialling mode....................................19
3.8 Date and time ................................... 20
3.9 Your logo...........................................21
3.10 Your fax number ...............................23
4. Telephone
Making and Answering Calls
4.1 Making phone calls...........................24
4.2 Answering phone calls......................26
4.3 Recording a telephone conversation 26
Automatic Dialling
4.4 Cordless handset phonebook........... 27
4.5 Base unit phonebook........................29
4.6 One-touch dial feature ...................... 30
4.7 Night mode ....................................... 31
Caller ID
4.8 Caller ID service ...............................33
4.9 Viewing and calling back using caller
4.10 Editing a caller’s telephone number
before calling back............................36
4.11 Erasing caller information................. 36
4.12 Storing caller information into the
phonebook / one-touch dial .............. 37
5. Fax
Sending Faxes
5.1 Sending a fax manually .................... 39
5.2 Documents you can send................. 40
5.3 Sending a fax using the base unit
phonebook / one-touch dial .............. 41
5.4 Broadcast transmission ....................42
Receiving Faxes
5.5 Selecting the way to use your fax
5.6 Auto receive......................................44
5.7 Manual receive .................................44
5.8 Receiving a fax manually – Auto answer
OFF ..................................................46
5.9 Receiving a fax automatically – Auto
answer ON........................................48
5.10 Receive polling (retrieving a fax placed
on another fax machine)................... 50
5.11 Junk fax prohibitor (preventing fax
reception from undesired callers) .....50
6. Distinctive Ring
Distinctive Ring
6.1 Distinctive Ring service from your
phone company................................52
6.2 Using two or more phone numbers in a
single telephone line.........................52
6.3 Using three or more phone numbers in
a single telephone line......................52
6.4 Programming the ring pattern assigned
for fax................................................53
7. Copy
7.1 Making a copy ..................................54
8. Answering Machine
8.1 Recording your greeting message....55
Incoming Messages
8.2 Listening to recorded messages with
the base unit.....................................56
FC962FX-PFQX2294ZA-en.book Page 2 Friday, August 26, 2005 9:05 PM
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Merk Panasonic
Model KX-FC962FX
Categorie Faxapparaten
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 12.51 MB

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Handleiding Panasonic KX-FC962FX Faxapparaat

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