Handleiding Panasonic SA-HE75 Receiver

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1. Power source—Connect the unit to a power source of the type
described in these instructions or as marked on the unit.
2. PolarizationThe unit is equipped with a polarized power plug
where one blade is wider than the other. This safety feature ensures
that the plug fits into your household AC outlet only one way. If the
plug doesnt fit one way, try reversing it. If the plug still doesnt fit,
contact an electrician to replace the obsolete outlet. Do not attempt
to defeat the safety purpose of the plug.
3. Power cord protectionRoute the AC power supply cord so that it
will not be walked on or pinched by items placed on or against it.
Never take hold of the plug or cord with wet hands. Always grasp the
plug body firmly when connecting and disconnecting it.
4. OverloadingWhen connecting the AC power supply cord, be
careful not to overload the household AC outlet, extension cord, or
outlet from any other device as this can result in fire or electric shock.
5. Nonuse periodsTurn the unit off when it is not in use. Unplug the
unit from the household AC outlet if it is not to be used for a long
time. Unplug the unit during lightning storms.
6. Attachments and accessoriesUse only the attachments and
accessories recommended in these operating instructions.
Read these operating instructions carefully before using the unit. Follow the safety instructions on the unit and the safety precautions listed below.
Keep these operating instructions handy for future reference.
(NEC SECTION 810-20)
(NEC SECTION 810-21)
1. Water and moistureDo not use the unit near water, such as near
a bathtub or swimming pool. Avoid damp basements.
2. HeatSituate the unit away from heat sources, such as radiators.
Do not situate where temperatures fall below 5°C (41°F) or rise
above 35°C (95°F).
3. Power linesTake care when setting up an outdoor antenna that it
is not near overhead power lines, electric lights, or electrical circuits,
and that there is no danger of the antenna falling on power lines,
electric lights, or electrical circuits. When installing an outdoor
antenna, take extreme care not to touch such power lines or circuits,
as contact with them can be fatal.
1. VentilationSituate the unit so that it receives proper ventilation. Do
not install in a confined space such as a bookcase or cabinet. Allow
at least 10 cm (4 inches) clearance from the rear of the unit. To
prevent the risk of electric shock or fire due to overheating ensure
curtains and other materials do not obstruct the units ventilation.
2. Foreign materialEnsure objects and liquids do not get into the
unit. Avoid exposing the unit to excessive smoke, dust, mechanical
vibration, and shock.
3. MagnetismSituate the unit away from equipment and devices that
generate strong magnetic fields.
4. StackingDo not place heavy objects on top of this unit.
5. SurfacePlace the unit on a flat, level surface.
6. Carts and standsUse the unit only with carts
and stands recommended by the manufacturer.
Move carts with care. Sudden stops, excessive
force, and uneven surfaces can cause carts to
7. Wall and ceiling mountingDo not mount the
unit on walls or ceilings unless specified in the instructions.
(See page 17 for details.)
Unplug the unit from the household AC outlet before cleaning.
Clean with a damp cloth.
Do not use abrasive pads, scouring powders, or solvents.
1. Damage requiring serviceThe unit should be serviced by
qualified service personnel if:
(a) The AC power supply cord or the plug has been damaged; or
(b) Objects or liquids have gotten into the unit; or
(c) The unit has been exposed to rain; or
(d) The unit does not operate normally or exhibits a marked change
in performance; or
(e) The unit has been dropped or the cabinet damaged.
2. ServicingDo not attempt to service the unit beyond that described
in these operating instructions. Refer all other servicing to authorized
servicing personnel.
3. Replacement partsWhen parts need replacing ensure the servicer
uses parts specified by the manufacturer or parts that have the same
characteristics as the original parts. Unauthorized substitutes may
result in fire, electric shock, or other hazards.
4. Safety checkAfter repairs or service, ask the servicer to perform
safety checks to confirm that the unit is in proper working condition.
Before use
4. Outdoor antenna groundingIf you connect an outdoor antenna,
ground the antenna system to protect against voltage surges and
built-up static charges. Section 810 of the National Electrical Code,
ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1990, provides information about grounding of
the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an
antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of
antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and
requirements for the grounding electrode. Refer to this diagram.
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Merk Panasonic
Model SA-HE75
Categorie Receivers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.41 MB

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