Handleiding Panasonic SC-HC39 Stereoset

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These speakers do not have magnetic shielding. Do not place them near a TV, personal computer or other magnetic devices.
Tape the antenna to a wall or column in a position with the least amount of interference.
[SC-HC397] If radio reception is poor, use a DAB outdoor antenna (not supplied).
[SC-HC395] If radio reception is poor, use a FM outdoor antenna with a right angle type connector (not supplied).
1 Connect an external music device using an audio
cable (not supplied).
Plug type: 3.5 mm stereo
2 Press [RADIO/AUX] repeatedly to select “AUX”
and start playback on the connected device.
To select the sound input level of the
external device
1 While in AUX mode, press [SOUND] repeatedly to
select “INPUT LEVEL”.
2 Press [3, 4] to select “NORMAL” or “HIGH” and
then press [OK].
The factory default is “NORMAL”.
To improve sound distortion when “HIGH” is selected, select “NORMAL”.
Switch the equalizer off or turn the volume of the external device down to reduce the input signal. High level of input signal will
distort the sound.
For details, refer to the operating instructions of the device.
Connect an external music device
This unit can receive DAB/DAB+ and FM stations with the DAB
Adhesive tape (not supplied)
DAB indoor antenna
Be sure to tighten the nut
Adhesive tape
(not supplied)
FM indoor antenna
To a mains socket
AC mains lead (supplied)
Connect the AC mains lead after all other connections are completed.
This unit consumes a small amount of AC power (l 21) even when turned off.
In the interest of energy conservation, if you will not be using this unit for an extended period
of time, unplug it from the mains socket.
Connect the antenna.
SC-HC397-395EGEBGN~RQT0A88-1B.book 5 ージ 171月日 曜日 午前0時4分
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Merk Panasonic
Model SC-HC39
Categorie Stereosets
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.43 MB

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Handleiding Panasonic SC-HC39 Stereoset

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