Handleiding Panasonic SL-SW861C Discman

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3 Take off the attached rubber cap
and connect the AC adaptor.
Refer to “Using the AC adaptor” for connection in-
When recharging starts, the “H” charging indica-
tor flashes on and off on the unit’s display.
4 When recharging is complete, un-
plug the AC adaptor from the
household AC outlet and the DC IN
Rechargeable batteries have a service life of approxi-
mately 300 charge-discharge cycles. If the operating
time on one full charge becomes noticeably shorter
than it used to be, the battery has reached the end of
its service life and should be replaced.
Recharging only be performed when the unit is pow-
ered off. (It is not possible to recharge the batteries
while playing a CD.)
The AC adaptor and rechargeable batteries may be-
come warm while recharging is in progress. This is not
a malfunction.
Turn the unit off before replacing the rechargeable
Using the car adaptor
The SL-SW861C comes with a car adaptor. Be sure to
use the adaptor specially designed for this model.
(Refer to the separate installation instructions.)
Be sure to obtain the car adaptor (SH-CDC9), available
as an optional accessory for SL-SW880 and
SL-SW860. The car adaptor can be used to recharge
the unit’s batteries while in the car.
For SL-SW880/SL-SW860
Power Supply Preparations
Refer to the specifications (page 8) for information on operating times when using rechargeable batteries or dry-cell batteries.
Using the AC adaptor
Take off the attached rubber cap and
connect the AC adaptor supplied.
Turn the unit off before connecting or disconnecting the
AC adaptor.
Conserving power
The AC adaptor consumes 2.0W when the unit is turned
off with [,OPR OFF]. To save power when the unit is
not to be used for a long time, unplug the AC adaptor
from the household AC outlet. Reprogram tracks if nec-
essary before use.
Using rechargeable batteries
(not included)
Obtain the optional rechargeable batteries.
Optional batteries (P-3GAVA/2B)
Make sure to recharge the batteries before using them.
The unit cannot be used to charge rechargeable batter-
ies other than those specifically designed for it.
Recharging procedure
1 Open the disc lid.
(Open and close dual locks firmly using both
hands at the same time.)
2 Open the battery lid, and place the
rechargeable batteries inside the
Be sure to close the battery lid properly.
Using dry-cell batteries
(not included)
After disconnecting the AC adaptor, insert two “AA”
(LR6) alkaline batteries.
The procedure for inserting and removing
dry-cell batteries is identical to that for
rechargeable batteries.
Battery indicator
This indicator flashes on and off when the batteries are
almost out of power. Power is cut off completely a short
while later.
Rechargeable batteries: Recharge batteries.
Dry-cell batteries: Replace batteries with new ones.
The length of time the unit will continue to operate be-
tween when the battery indicator starts flashing and
when the power is cut off differs depending on the
type of batteries used.
The battery indicator may not flash if rechargeable
batteries, other than those designated by Panasonic,
are used.
Use only car adaptor, Model: SH-CDC9 manufac-
tured by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Push up on the battery
in the direction
indicated by the arrow,
then lift out.
If the battery lid
comes loose
Insert the protrusions
on the lid into the
cutouts on both sides
of the compartment.
HOLD Function
This function causes the unit to ignore short, accidental
button presses. (The disc lid can still be opened and
HOLD function prevents the following:
Powering on the unit accidentally (which can cause
the batteries to run down).
Play being cut off unexpectedly in the middle of a se-
To use the HOLD function
Set [HOLD] to the HOLD position.
The unit and the stereo headphones with a remote con-
trol have [HOLD] switches, each of which works inde-
Battery indicator
If the unit malfunctions or freezes during use,
then disconnect the power sources (the AC
adaptor or batteries).
Re-connect the power source and continue op-
Hold mode
Side panel of the unit
Be sure to cover the headphone jack, OUT
jack and DC IN jack with the rubber caps
when they are not in use.
DC IN jack (DC IN 4.5 V K)
AC outlet
Side panel of the unit
AC adaptor
(” indication
When the unit is in hold mode, pressing any button
causes the indication “(” to appear on the display.
When the unit is powered off:
The “(” indication appears only when [
] is
Before operating the buttons
Be absolutely sure to move HOLD to release the
unit from the hold mode.
Hold mode
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 0.48 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)



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Merk Panasonic
Model SL-SW861C
Categorie Discmans
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 0.48 MB

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Kan ik krassen op een CD zelf repareren? Geverifieerd

Krassen zorgen ervoor dat de laser de schijf niet goed meer kan lezen. Als de krassen niet te erg zijn, kunnen deze soms zelf gerepareerd worden door de schijf te poetsen met een licht schurend middel. Idealiter wordt een professioneel schurend poetsmiddel gebruikt, maar het is ook mogelijk om gewone tandpasta te gebruiken. Na het poetsen moet de schijf goed worden afgespoeld en drogen. Er zijn ook gespecialiseerde zaken die dit kunnen doen.

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Handleiding Panasonic SL-SW861C Discman

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