Handleiding Panasonic SR-ZE105 Rijstkoker

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Safety Precautions
Must be followed!
Do not use the appliance in the following places.
In an area where it may be splashed with water or near a
heat source. (It may cause a fi re caused by short circuit or
electric shock).
An unstable surface or carpet, electric carpet, table cloths
(ethylene plastic) or other object that cannot resist high
temperature. (It may cause an injury, burn or fi re).
Near a wall or furniture. (It may cause a discoloration or
Do not expose the power plug to steam and do not let water spill on the
connector of the power plug.
Do not expose the power plug to steam when it is plugged in. (It may cause a
re caused by short circuit). When using a cabinet with sliding table, use the
appliance where the power plug cannot be exposed to steam.
Be sure to hold the instrument
plug or the power plug when
unplugging. Do not pull the
power cord.
(Otherwise it may cause an
electric shock or fi re caused by
short circuit).
Unplug the power plug from the
power outlet when the appliance
is not in use.
(Otherwise it may cause an
electric shock and fi re caused by
short circuit due to the insulation
Do not touch heating
elements while the
appliance is in use or
after cooking.
Especially the cast
heater. (It may cause
a burn).
Do not use the cord set (for
instrument plug and power
plug) that is not specifi ed for
use with this appliance. Also do
not transfer them.
(It may cause an electric shock,
leakage, and fi re).
Heating element is subjected to
residual heat after use. Please
allow the appliance to cool
down before cleaning it.
(Touching hot elements may
cause a burn).
Do not touch the hook
button while moving
the appliance.
(It may cause the
outer lid to open,
resulting in a burn).
Be careful when opening
the outer lid while
(It may cause a
burn and injury
due to overheat or
Precaution for Use
Please put in correct amount
of rice and water and select
functions correctly according to
the operating instructions.
(So as to avoid overfl ow of rice water,
half-cooked rice or scorched rice).
Before using the appliance, the
anti-tarnish paper between the
inner pan and the cast heater
should be removed.
(So as to avoid poor cooking or fi re).
Please always clean the foreign matters such as
rice on the inner pan, cast heater and temperature
Do not tilt or overturn
the appliance.
Before cleaning, turn
off the power switch
and pull out the
power plug.
Do not put ingredients to be
cooked directly into the appliance
in which no inner pan is placed.
Do not cook without inner pan.
(So as to prevent any impurities from
causing failure).
Do not cover the outer lid with
cloth or other objects when the
appliance is in use.
(So as to avoid deformation, color
change of the outer lid or failure).
Avoid using the appliance under
direct sunlight.
(So as to avoid color change).
Do not scoop out rice with any
metal object.
(So as to avoid scratching the inner
pan coating and causing peeling of the
When there is any overfl ow
of rice water from the
steam vent, pull out the
power plug immediately
to disconnect the power
supply. Do not resume the
use until the rice water on
the power plug and the
instrument plug is cleaned
with a dry cloth.
The appliance is for
household use only. Do not
use it for any commercial or
industrial purposes or any
purposes other than cooking.
When power failure occurs
during the operation of the
appliance, the cooking result
may be affected.
Foreign matters
Cast heater
Inner pan
(It may cause a burn).
Do not use other pans
than the one specifi ed.
Do not let water spill on the
power plug of the power cord set.
(This may result in electric shock).
SR-ZE185_105_OIB_USA_EN.indd 4SR-ZE185_105_OIB_USA_EN.indd 4 1/26/2016 1:41:23 PM1/26/2016 1:41:23 PM
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Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je Panasonic SR-ZE105 Rijstkoker. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met Panasonic. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van Panasonic SR-ZE105 Rijstkoker in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk Panasonic
Model SR-ZE105
Categorie Rijstkokers
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.05 MB

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Veelgestelde vragen over Panasonic SR-ZE105 Rijstkoker

Ons supportteam zoekt dagelijks naar nuttige productinformatie en antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen. Als er onverhoopt toch een onjuistheid tussen onze veelgestelde vragen staat, laat het ons dan weten via het contactformulier.

Kan ik ook melk gebruiken om rijst te kijken in mijn rijstkoker? Geverifieerd

Nee, de meeste merken raden het gebruik van melk in de rijstkoker af. De melk kan door de ventilatie naar buiten komen.

Ik vind dit nuttig (301) Lees meer

Kan ik ook quinoa bereiden in een rijstkoker? Geverifieerd

Ja, in de meeste rijstkokers is het ook mogelijk om quinoa te bereiden.

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Is een rijstkoker hetzelfde als een snelkookpan? Geverifieerd

Hoewel deze twee producten erg op elkaar lijken, zijn ze in de basis toch anders. Het grootste verschil is dat een snelkookpan altijd luchtdicht gesloten kan worden en een rijstkoker niet.

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Handleiding Panasonic SR-ZE105 Rijstkoker

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