Handleiding PC Fernbus Coach Simulator - Neoplan Skyliner

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Fernbus Coach Simulator Add-on Neoplan Skyliner
Aerosoft GmbH 2017
8 9
Quick Start
This manual contains instructions for handling and operating the
Neoplan Skyliner coach in the career mode. Please note that these
instructions are only for the basic operation of the bus.
Instructions for the Fernbus Coach Simulator can be found in the
Fernbus Coach Simulator manual.
Arcade Control Mode
Once you have started the game, the bus selection opens.
The 3D model of your bus is located in front of you. Next to it
is the name of the model.
Arrows on the left and right of the name allow you to change
the bus model. Select the Neoplan Skyliner.
Once the screen loads, you start at the bus station in front of
your selected bus.
To look around, use the mouse. To move use the W, A, S and
D keys.
Use the left mouse button to click on the waiting passengers
and validate their tickets with your smart phone.
Press C to sit down in the driver‘s cab or leave the cab.
The doors and luggage hatches close automatically as soon as
you leave the bus stop.
Use the W, A, S and D keys to steer the bus.
Use the 1 and 2 keys to switch between the indoor and
outdoor cameras or to center them.
Follow the route on the navigation screen to the next stop.
If you have an accident with the bus, if it breaks down or if you
run off the road while you are driving, you can use Backspace
to re-set the bus and get back on the road.
If you have reached the next stop in another city or if you want
to pause, stop the bus in a designated area.
The doors and luggage hatches open automatically as soon as
you come to a standstill.
Passengers automatically get off the bus and take their luggage
when they have reached their stop.
New passengers may be waiting. You must check them in at
these stops. Press C to exit the bus. Once you are outside,
check the passengers‘ tickets with the left mouse button.
When you reach the last destination on your route, all remain-
ing passengers will get off.
Use Esc to open your smart phone and log out. Your statistics
and an evaluation for this trip will appear.
You can now select a new route in the menu to begin again.
You may switch to manual control before each trip in the
control mode under „Advanced Settings“.
Realistic Control Mode
Once you have started the game, the bus selection opens.
The 3D model of your bus is located in front of you. Next to it
is the name of the model.
Arrows on the left and right of the name allow you to change
the bus model. Select the Neoplan Skyliner.
Once the screen loads, you begin at the start directly in the
depot area in front of the bus garage.
To look around, use the mouse. To move use the W, A, S and
D keys.
Use the left mouse button to open the bus doors.
Press C to sit down in the driver‘s cab or leave the cab.
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 6.62 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Fernbus Coach Simulator - Neoplan Skyliner. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Fernbus Coach Simulator - Neoplan Skyliner in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Fernbus Coach Simulator - Neoplan Skyliner
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 6.62 MB

Alle handleidingen voor PC Games
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Handleiding PC Fernbus Coach Simulator - Neoplan Skyliner

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