Handleiding PC Indigo Prophecy

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The ReadMe File
The Indigo Prophecy
CD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where you can
view both the License Agreement and updated information about the
game. We strongly encourage you to read this file in order to benefit from
changes made after this manual went to print.
To view this file, double-click on it in the Indigo Prophecy directory found
on your hard drive (usually C:\Program Files\Atari\Indigo Prophecy). You
can also view the ReadMe file by first clicking on the Start button on your
taskbar, then on Programs, then on Atari, then on Indigo
Prophecy, and then on the ReadMe file.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows
Processor: Pentium
III 800 MHz or faster
Memory: 256 MB RAM (TBD MB recommended)
Hard Disk Space: 2.5 GB free
CD-ROM Drive: 8x speed or faster
Video: 32 MB Hardware T&L-compatible video card*
Sound: Windows
sound card
: DirectX
version 9.0c (included) or higher
*32 MB video cards that do not support Hardware T&L, such as the
Nvidia Riva TNT or any Intel integrated video card, are not supported.
You must be logged in as a user with Administrative privileges to install
Indigo Prophecy. However, once installed, you do not need administrator
privileges to play the game, provided you installed the game for all users.
1 Start Windows
2 Insert the
Indigo Prophecy CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
3 If AutoPlay is enabled, a title screen should appear. If AutoPlay is
not enabled, or the installation does not start automatically, click on
the Start button on your Windows
taskbar, then on Run. Type
D:\Setup and click on OK.
Note: If your CD-ROM drive is assigned
to a letter other than D, substitute that letter.
4 Follow the remainder of the on-screen instructions to finish installing
Indigo Prophecy CD-ROM game.
5 Once installation is complete, click on the Start button on the
taskbar and choose Programs/Atari/Indigo Prophecy/
Indigo Prophecy to start the game.
Note: You must have the Indigo Prophecy game disc in your CD-ROM
drive to play.
My desire to create video games dates back to the arrival of 3D real time.
I remember how many possibilities suddenly opened up because of this
new technology. I saw it as a new means of expression where the world
could be pushed to its limits. It was my way of exploring new horizons. I
felt like a pioneer filmmaker at the start of the 20th Century: grappling
with basic technology, but also being aware that there is everything left to
invent - in particular a new language that is both narrative and visual.
To be honest, the ten years that followed didn’t satisfy my hunger. I was
under the impression that video games were only exploiting a tiny part of
their amazing creative potential, because they concentrated on “Action”
and totally neglected a fundamental element of all human experience –
emotion. The technology, meanwhile, was moving much faster.
Indigo Prophecy is my contribution to the transformation of video games
into a true form of expression that conveys emotion. The solutions I offer
are not the only ones, but
Indigo Prophecy's huge merit is that it asks real
questions and offers concrete answers. It shows how it’s possible to cre-
ate an interactive experience that is more than just killing monsters in cor-
ridors and shooting crates to find ammunition. It shows that it’s possible
to create experiences that are richer and deeper. It shows that it’s also
possible to tell a story and play a game without sacrificing either the inter-
activity or the narrative. I hope you, as skilled or occasional players, will
enjoy the experience that we have tried to create here. If you hold preju-
dices against video games, I hope that
Indigo Prophecy will help you
reconsider your judgment. I also hope that more people will be tempted
to explore this new creative path, injecting their own inspiration, talent
and ambitions. Interactivity is still in its infancy. There is still everything
left to invent.
Indigo Prophecy has been a huge part of our lives these last two years
and has proved to be a vast human and intellectual adventure for the
whole Quantic Dream team, one that has forced us to question many of
the principles that we previously took as read. I will consider myself for-
tunate if, like the books, films, and songs that have made lasting impres-
sions on you,
Indigo Prophecy could leave some small trace too.
David Cage
Download de handleiding in het Nederlands en/of Engels (PDF, 1.73 MB)
(Denk aan het milieu en print deze handleiding alleen als dat echt noodzakelijk is)


Meer over deze handleiding

We begrijpen dat het prettig is om een papieren handleiding te hebben voor je PC Indigo Prophecy. Je kunt de handleiding bij ons altijd downloaden en daarna zelf printen. Indien je graag een originele handleiding wilt hebben, raden we je aan contact op te nemen met PC. Zij kunnen wellicht nog voorzien in een originele handleiding. Zoek je de handleiding van PC Indigo Prophecy in een andere taal? Kies op de homepage je taal naar keuze en zoek daarna op het modelnummer om te zien of we deze beschikbaar hebben.


Merk PC
Model Indigo Prophecy
Categorie Games
Bestandstype PDF
Bestandsgrootte 1.73 MB

Alle handleidingen voor PC Games
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Handleiding PC Indigo Prophecy

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